Show 0 0 0 I Milford I Io Ip p o Milford ford Jan 10 MIsses Misses Alice and und Colonna Jr Jr and amid nul 1 Miss 8 Worley Wor- Wor orby orlo or lo ley by of or Logan LOJan have ha e returned 19 resume their teaching In itt the tho Milford schools The he Homo and School organization met Thursday arid amid gave tho the following program Instrumental 11 0 music Mrs Irs George Harris reading Fred Cotron vocal number the tho Beaver county high bight quartet under thc tIme supervision of Miss Misa 1181 Worley orley orle open discussion The Thc Problems lems 1111 of oC tho the Milford School Teacher The next nest Lyceum number will wil be he given at t tho time high school next Tuesday Mrs A. A B. B a n Red Hel Cro Cross worker has haa returned from l' l France Frace ra cc and andIs I Is greeting her hem mn many friends In Beaver l county The Thc Star Legion lon and amid the Red RedCross RedCross nee Cross chapters are arc arran arranging a public reception for her hor In tho time near future Miss Edna Edla of ot Nov No married this week and Earl Webb obb and amid are uru at al home In tho thu Murk J apt apartments on Main street tl ct The he ladles ladies of tho the M. M L E. E church will wl moot moet the tho coming coining cominS week at Mrs Cope- Cope I lands a ads Tho Thu Th basketball team Lenin of oC th the Beaver Ben cr county high school will wi play Ilia th time tho first championship game of oC the tho season at ut January Jan or 16 Tho rho supply committee of oC tho th Red fled RedCross fed Cross chapter entertained Mrs J. J r W. W ol Wednesday afternoon at tho the home homo of ot Mrs rs P P. J J. J Adams Adam who wa was assisted by Mrs C C. C C. Sl Sloan an amid nul Mrs Mr Ir Dr Hunter who poured coffee coHee and Ind Mrs Ir Allan Hedges e who presided at atthe atthe the time t tea a table The H living rooms were sero beautifully decorated with Cl carnations and anil a nt cut cut KU glass g vase was presented to tho guest of at honor The Th invited guests were lunt Hunter J Sloan Glenn Hanks Leo Lct Let Smithson Cottrell Jefferson Baxter Bardsley Jefferson Harris and Hedges I ea an anIct |