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Show Public Notices Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right To Know CULDESAC VIEW, LOCATION 10 MIN. TO downtown, custom home on best lot in circle, beautiful view to north and south. Brick rambler, 4,600 sq. ft-, 3 bedrooms, 2 12 baths, formal dineoffice, central air, main floor laundry, sprinklers, two garage, and pad. 5 years oidH French provincial style, unfinished basement, save $1 0,000. with no agents. $153 000, or offer. Call Julie or Bill, we want to sell fasti 298-1157, 615-25 INVESTORSALERT SIMPLE FHA assumption, $51,900, Great rental property, on large acreage, $5P900 down, plus closing costs, Cheryl Okubo 295-8329, 295-8329, Lane Realty, 298-7000, 64-tfn 64-tfn FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-BEDROOM Bountiful rambler. New oak kitchen, finished basement, base-ment, auto sprinklers. Excellent location. $79,900. 298-3096. 64-29 BY OWNER 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large family room, large living liv-ing room, air conditioner, fenced yard, $53,900. 274 E. 925 $.. Layton. 776-8114.611-22 LARGE ACREAGE WITH INDOOR POOL 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH home in centervilie. $87,900. on .40 acre. Cheryl Okubo 295-8329. 580-6748. 580-6748. Lane Realty 298-7000. 618-rtfn 618-rtfn BRICK HOME on .27 acre, 6 bed-rooms, bed-rooms, 3 baths, new carpet, fireplace, woodstove in family room, mudlaundry room, pantry. 2 car garage, large deck, fruit and nut trees, on quiet street. $86.900negotiable. nice West Bountiful area. 292-1 157. 615-713 WX RAMBLER MUST SEE. Nice 3-bedroom. 1 bath, wfenced yard and auto sprinklers, great neighborhood. $73,900. 298-8154. 615-713 2 BEDROOM, before foreclosure listed $47.000.. now $39,900. Their loss, your gain, new carpet, drapes, paint. 292-7654. Consider rent with option. 615-18 BY OWNER, FARMINGTON BEAUTY 3 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom, large family room, great yard, quiet street, new carpet. Must see $82,900. 451-7153.61-29 MULTIPLE CHOICE 4 YEAR old multi-level with horse zoning. Great floor plan, 3 bedrooms, bed-rooms, 2 baths, large, krichen, 2 car garage. Unfinished basement, assume FHA loan, $79,000. OLD HOME WITH NEW IDEAS QUIET STREET. Tree covered lot. Newer kitchen. Lovely bay window. Large closets, 4 bedrooms, bed-rooms, only $66,000. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE LIGHT and airy all brick rambler all remodeled and behind Bountiful High School. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, 2 fireplaces. 2 car garage. Tremendojs buy at $89,900. LAPRIEL 298-0593 SHINER & CO. REAL ESTATE 292-4488 618 FORECLOSURE SPECIAL $5,000 DOWN; owner financing. 5 bedroom. 2 12 baths, garage and carport. 2 fireplaces. 3.000 sq. ft., $82,900. 31 W. 1500 S. on cul de sac. 278-3330. 528-622 BEAUTIFUL FRUIT HEIGHTS neighborhood, ideal view. 4 bedrooms, bed-rooms, 3 baths, fruit trees, only $87,900,451-6709.64-29 PERFECT FAMILY HOME 4 BEDROOMS, 3 baths. 3 years old, prof, landscaped, fenced yard, large deck, view, auto sprinkler, main laundrymud laun-drymud roompantry. By owner, NSL appt. only 292-6334. $119,900. 68-18 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE BIG YARD, hardwood floors, full basement, 2 fireplaces- 300 E. 290 N., Bountiful. Call 298-1612. 64-29 6 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS SPARKLING CLEAN, beautifully decorated home. Has fireplace, large family room, 2 car garage, large fenced yard, auto sprinklers on secluded street at 2056 N 520 : W.. West Bountiful. $82,000. Chris i or Karen 292-2845. 64-29 WX 5 BEDROOM, 1 34 bath, large family room, 12x20 deck, 907 W. 2025 &, WX. 292-0201. $79,900., neg. 528-622 ON BOUNTIFUL CITY GOLF COURSE 3 14 ACRE, 5 bedrooms, formal dining, 5.200 sq. ft., contemporary, contem-porary, great view, $180,000. Call Keith or Nedra 292-1495 or 292-2813. 292-2813. 64-29 MC(OU)WttlteMllll II COLD WELL BANKER PREMIER, INC. I Lp " RELAX! WELCOME HOME LARGE QUIET CONDO ROCK 2 STORY I " To ,flis SriJt L, 3 bd rni conJo Centrally loaied. comfortable floor plan. BcjutifulK Imtsh'J 4 bJrni hume tile I Tr Townhouse with patio, deck, cvenim; new carpet and decor. 3 bdrrav. -i baths, cmn. oA mm. Ij:;.jjeui. unique turret. I 00m shade backvard Assignable $69,900. Oil w ell-nuiniameU Central air, pool, rock and :ikv). 52 14.IRI0 CjII Anne Lee I riyjjP 295-70JU. Annate 2M-81II. 575. WO Greg all 22-0401. 295-9-M. I ) tr TERRIFIC 3 BDRM. THIS IS LIVING! SHOWS LIKE NEW I ' yf qjr'wrt,jST Raided bnck ramble, lurce entertaining Terrific 2-ton tuiior in a prime east Immaculate 5 hi mil, 3 bjih home near I i areas. WonJcrlu! law master suite bench area 5 bJrms,, 3 baths, open Bountiful temple site. 2 tamilj rooms, I tflt1! l w fireplace-deck oil SI 70,000. Orjl beamed ceiling office. iuo I'amiK rooms, baskeibail court, terraced ard. man) I fh YJV 1 701U.Annaw 298-81 11. spon court inward $233,1100, Greg J2- eviray S15N,00U. Anne Lee2v5-9488 I UOs V SELLER SAYS WSKLL" NEAR GOLF COURSE It I lkVl l Attractive und uell-kcpi tvn) skrv uiih 4 ruKP ri r v i wim cd Guueou bna 2-iun :n eluded eul-de- I f 2 V l bedrooms, 4 baths. Lmch vard Corneous v KiftnLLtA. KAMIM-LK. JL- ? Wm) 4 baths, jv oil nuMcr, ? car If ic Call aura "98-8380 Nice bench area. Great kitchen-famih Mrjsc 2 fwnilv roomy irreal' S 2 49. 300 I 4 1 ft " mm 1 room combination, laandr on mam. 6 ysjj4ja I ( & m i--n-rrnTt' rAMTnmAD dv bdrms.. 4 bjih. faroiK room and office I hJ C0R(,F'0USTrEMP0RAR SI69.V0O.CreS:.(MOI. SKHING IS BKUEVINC I 'Z' Onlv 5 jean old beautiful with vaulted Go inside thi dean 3 bedroom twin home I ceilincs wonderful Uchcn. 6 Mrooms. IF YOU LIKK PRIVACY... with j 2 car sarj-e. ac S2.0UU b I -rf" unbelievable lake view. Bountiful You'll loe this eoniemp,.rar home ;r aviunune S6.(00. Ruh :iJh-?!fHS. I , S2 1 9,91X1. Call Laura 298-8380 Sommeri Harms' 4 bdrm.. 2 bath. 2 I -nurirn fireplace, new carpets anil paint, vaulted $5,500 DOWN TO I PRICF. REDUCED EAST BENCH RAMM ER ceilins;. open ar.d spjeiou. Sl?.5U0 Aume V 12' vr.-l id Bountiful I Jlu,nV WaS Sl3'0( V1, n Beautiful oiKnhdi. and a'.n floor ph Crcj 2".04O!. ra.rr. lru:ns I car ,ar,e. 1-20 I bcuuufu hMoriearhome. 4 BR. . BA Mm lwo am,irroms. SI29.9HU CHASE LANE CONDO I Carohn29X.s64l. Toin Baker 292-2 193." Awumablc l-an. double -sied bedroom up. EXQUISITE FARMINGTON 2- I vaulted it'iiintv nwrMZid kitchen. m.i:i S'I'ORY I NEARLY NEW CONDO LOOK AT THIS!'! unmade- ind-udiive pals: lurna.e. SMW 5 hEdro,.ir,.. fornul d.mi-.L i:-.am Hour I ? BR, 2binihc H.jhpomi Condos ThrC(. bedfiUni rjnit)kr Ulth ,ar,. Hu:rV Rah 2-UV iam., u.om. mei..vks (U-uie ami ine I 11 lh"" a"JM,n l,1Pkv u,wrai pjll0 tocjt y..v:c hun tre nouniai;-. ,jsie!all deeoied. oak I Mi.W.Caroln29-WH. antl .,dln BKJ 0nlj S49.90U. T..m OWNER NEGOTIABLE SS7.500 luhan .arblv RkIi 29K. 1 lijLa "''i1-1 191 ' LoveK icw eai i;Ue Bunniul. tour I ONE OF A KIND " bedrooms, two ear er.i. newer carpeu. BEST Bt Y 1991 I Custom built b owner 6 car old brick MORE FOR YOUR $$$ eveellent school, cull Dome Burnham Rcjuuful ? bJrm Ccorseiown graded I rrKl?'1- Laree "rambler has nack Uchcn m fum.k :-U40l or XI M ihroucho Qualm wall cou-nne. I SIM.900 Carol room. Eiw bedrooms, three baths Deck r, e nn .ftA eo,iiiMie awal vlurulchcrx del. en: 10 I 1 ulT,vs ui-oi- with hot tub S93300 Tom Baker 292- D N AMITE PRICE SI09..MH) .ho Redded WWII to S69.9t.ifi. I all 1 LlrE dEGIM HhKr,... 2 iy3. Almost new. eveellent instruction. l')-h2Hy I this traditional construction home beautdu! neu'.'al decor, popular foor plan. I lasted at S.s25.'Hiu lor Macular 4 COZY COTTAGE S55.900 comemeni location in CenterMlle Call EXECUTIVE R VMIil.KR I tHl.m..4bailU f in-level J'nderliil Th OIU..kvd bl.jrooni hm, Dome Bumham 292-1.401 ..: 292.121.6. C0NTRCT I ,!,l",n'Jinu4'ttN lJ" ' " convenient 10 all schools. slipp,iK Perfect SI29.9HO. qual.i all bruk rambler. 5 I m -DL L rnrw iv ruy !,lf handicapped. Hariersor retiree Unda ABOA E 1 HE REM bedrooms. baih. seduded oak covered I ' , ' . ,vc 2W-424S Vcr nice lo.tor nh 1 .oiv.eroporan ,, hl.ivj i,,,.,,,,,. ; v,,, Cer.e.l I MOL 1 Al rljiT h'jr bedrooms. ,r ,per !e Ci B'"W!' 1o,.(1;" I L'nbelievabK beauiilul open lloor plan HU(JK G R ('E b45 0OI) Ba-.mer.i u-i"nished ( a'i Dot'ie 292- I vaulted eeiitn.s M.-ia ( ulc iuii, homi K, ,m, "4n; 1-2-; - M PLE HILLS CONDO I "'PMi- ':t!,-,-, 'I. . " car earase Quiet, central Boun'tilu! Si (... Srac ou- .a'-e .a.r.-.er 5 I and mueh mure" i299,WK.(a,l rave .9,. Um U RI.ING TWO S I ORY lo, ; ,n-L:11 G.,,l ve I 29S-424S. " " ' P:..e ..ed to SS4.? -1 Has -.. (-j., -Hl,: G..:c.. B.-own 1-.2- I lentCi: aid, ov ersie e.' :v in nee ,:-? I THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE GREAT FAMII Y RAMBI FR Ccmerv . r.ch.rh.. ("a.. Don e I S53MHl in Bountiful. 1 12bathyia,mK Rit,u.J rii1, $ . yn)l k, ynU 272-U4H: -(2'(2-:2"s i IHKEM'KVS I " carpet new paint, over M 5 D,fll!v ltt fjimK roomv ihrcc Jlhv Thl h, ,'. , , B..u:-!.i I s,i. Covered parkin, Dd-he rav 292- aull,.spr:nkk.r. ltt0.;.j: ...jrj., r:c M REDUCED S3.000-R MIiIER Tu.-y-.,., I etc Call John Kdis-vi 2''5-"22"l A 'Ji feauiitul nc p.or.;. y-,:-,, . ,.: ; k'i ! -'J.vtui I SUPERB RAMBLER $122,500 GRE AT F WIII Y HOME '.X ' ' N """" I '- with sor.eous view. ,mma,u ate b;;,ln kiuhc, 4 hUrm . 2 Iv.P.s BOl N I IFUL EAST BENCH ,.v. - -slT, I nnde of owniTih ri, manv eMi Dchii. . - , -, , . . 1 , ' - I , down taa he Nh bdrm it 'amih r.-n i.oveiv y , - ramn.er ,:, ;.,ce y.-,, s ,i k s -s vim I "rj N ,1 :c.'..'lI 1 - Til' 4 Vi " 1 Dor:; j 2 - ew 4 : . '-..n . . v.. I NEW LISTING MJ4.400 " " , , I , .,a,-:ie ne rammer . new area oj (;()LK COl RSE I OCAITON! s-(, , -, I iy- V y:' Beau'ite, r-.-.Mr,- ;.,:;,.; ,,e M R Y N K E R MB! ER c,. :"L-"'. : I ' - " " rinP' ! - r r v. ! ,: f t,; .r . , s ! - r:: " "a' - CHMSLvrmFmi (.''---- jv -; JSti I ! . ,i . Se;irshnaiunaiNtfctwrirk QIHj Z mVWmk r I - ( old well Ii;nikiT mhbvhhPwmm fyl Va ml I I t-ih s Rial Fsiatej Premier. Inc. I'JI i f k 1 4 0 "1 I (onipam in saks atul livlinys , 545 . 50O Smith, llouiHilul D y I cJ L 1 f 1 1 I (HI ins Mi'Mi S.ill I ;ike j 1 SHI i2(J2-HM)l 1 rwiij 4 I " J 1 hXi'Ji I Cilv, D.iw ( niinlv, OdriL , C.H! lull Ira. I SUU-J- I - 3 S 5 1 I WmCw ll II Park ( ih and si, fH-of-Mt. ThpIiompSelHN' lJO i 3 I l miu r i 1 .'ii'-! ii H- hdMUtftHHikiHL |