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Show Tin. L,i.oi3L.i'i"RK of Xcw Vurk has ( ommencetl to investigate the charges made against Km Cornell, founder of the celebrated Cornell University, at Ithaca, in that State. The charges arc that Cornell formed a rin;:, secured se-cured a 100,000 acre tr.iet of valuable limbered government laud in Wisconsin, Wiscon-sin, Minnesota ami Kansas, ostensibly lor the benefit of the University, paying pay-ing $-l.t5U an acre, and sold the same lor ?u0 an acre, pocketing the proceeds. pro-ceeds. The clear profit of the manipulators man-ipulators of the scheme was estimated at several millions. Since the expose, philanthropic and charitable gentlemen gentle-men in several States have proposed to found universities after the same f;shion, but they have fallal to secure se-cure the public lands requisite to a proper inception of their programme. |