OCR Text |
Show ! SALt HOTELS. W A.LI HOUSE, SilUil), 1 lull. j CliSfCCoPKiETORSHIP. I!. I. l.:s, VOKM KKI.Y ' l;;"P"..,'"li,mii.olihm llulol, ' ''' n'' l l ii.- tnivliiiK imlili,-, .Una Ii,. wul li ,,is ,lall. ,. i.K.'iii.N.Uil'llii i w.u,: luii si:, Im.lj l,,,ai,,l , 1m,.i,,.,l l,us.s .Uv, l, l, iilr,.nii., t. ,,,,1,11,. imuil ,is tin. l;iN.i;Kl) IKlTKI. Mwivn Sun I'. ,i,l chicnKo, uii.l in ,.it.TinK iij,.,.w rlli,.r!i;e Hi,-fii.pn. Hi,-fii.pn. Iors vl, no jinlns to I'lliiv iilix-l all tlu- I ,-iUi ,if Ihi-ir c;ui'.-t. J'. hen & en., J'rui'iitolii. bull J-:.kci Cil. 1, 15TS. dS QVERL JTOUSE MAREET, !SAlr IE CITY. First Cla-ss nrao(l;ition lor Gneu. I.ni.iii. nor Liuv from S'l '1 to SI 00 li us i'ur ,.li '1 J to -i INI I om d jor Wool, . (i LW I.nrlior hl mul If Cunnc'tod .villi tho liotol. liuoi Itoiuniai. ha-lorn, Woe-t Woe-t .rn und Loal Noirs. DOJ3 HliNltYITUX, 1'roiiriBlor. t o w nseT house, HALT J-i: CITY, THE LEADIKl'TEL Oi1 UTAH, JAM US XUMSD, 1'roi.iotor. niJUS iliH SK IMTHAHA- LOCAT-.JL LOCAT-.JL od. wull uria.ndbaa accouimoda-tiona accouimoda-tiona for 150 xue.ili Tho I'roprlotor lit proparinc to. build Iitq iMltiniv.t- tj -otol, vhich, when thiieh'id, wul rondor The jJost('sipiKfjtablisinient TIIM RUCK k M'A1N KKUluN. mil ! TAYLOR HOTEL, ON Till! EL'liAN rLAN'i Coiitro of blook. W &t E&st Tomplo all Rooms by theay or Week. A FIRST-OLAS RiUHA.NT.kopt by !r. K. E. BURUESSrd by tho Day oJ Mock, Meals at al irs. No oxponse ararod to pluaao patror Xlot and Clatha, TAYLOR & jEK, Proprietor!. alO E washihgt; house, .VBW ADDITION, AIIFH 100 NEW ril-KlNd 11KDS, ! TARIFF- Xliird South Slree lt Ls,ka City. Bonrtl and Loiiidriii, V , '1 ;-J Bonrd nod LodciiiK, "f d 1- I l-23 Dor Board. V wed fg-,. Hods, V took 8 S-j! Hods, ciehu f. Moala - - GREAT fESTii HOTEL! U Sonth-at., PiLake City, With f oi,! -if f.T a" ui. rirWl coo.iuodatiODS tor fain aal travolbrB. Tloomil.Tor day. froui 60 lo 91 001 Kooiiu, l or vrooli. rr.nn it JIUJII): Board, por ivoot, iV.lA); ll. atl ooo" "" Free Omnibus the Hotel. Tnrlicr Stop b,l Lrtu.' counoctod with tho Botol. KIK FOB SAI.K. For tlcuia.s 6a'iU,ro at tho oitico. inyl7 aMITU A BI K.TropnoUirs. OCPEni HlELS. UNION DEPI HOTEL AND RAILROAD Dl NC HALL,; Situated on Railroad Thrra, Junction of U. 1. and C I'.vilroada- . marll ti. S. til, 1'ropnotor. SAN FRANCISC HOTELS. Grand Hotel, ! os MnrM, Nw VoDtCoinerJt Second SLrooti,j SAN FRANCIJO C AL. ! JOHNSON Co., rropriotora. i KORTOfJHOUSE, ti-.ii ontrnl. 11. Kite, J.Wu i1" t'l '.V. G. (iR.lVAM'rorriet.T. OMAHA TtL. CRj.N0 ,f.AI. HOTEL",' ' , imnif1. Ncli. tpK t.-T-.t;-.' ll HNVT IIHTEl. po- oli, OCT. I, li. STLOUI3 HOTELS. 30UrHilRlNH6TEI.! r J i"vn, Ittol-.V'- toiutit'.v!rcii..5t' ' " t.ind. j-,.1 V, .--fin .1 n.'"l B,'i iluo i.i ot l..o i. HENRY vASENilf!. s-ar u.'t. r.r. L'. CALIFORNIA BHEWEBY. laiiea ui:;:f.,;.!a:.I)1'01.'1l" tioi.im". ,d r-T,'t.. KF.Cilli SUV ill ST; lit. three d..- s c" el l'.ICl h'Ml. M. ro s CIVIL ENCIHEERS: CEO. M. BOUTELLE, :iVIL ENGINEER and U. S. KIN ERAl. SURVEYOR FOR UTAH. OIF,..,, in the. lmit.linc .wi,,;,,-! l.r il,e Kor- j ri'.vor lieoi iiil'. olliee, o,,o,i(o the To vn. end I lou.e, '.l Loko Lily. di W. BREDEIVIEYER, j IT S. MlKFltAU SFItVliVnIt, CIIN I Vj . .uliitiir Fniriueer, f Muni, or ,,r M inf.. l id '.''iMiii; r..,eri tmieen, ni'lenoo, 1, iin-b,ill iin-b,ill Rl,n:k, ot,,orito Toiviirfuud llou.o. ollt J .V31ES 11. )1 A UT I N K.( U , UYDKAUI IC ANI CIVIL ENt.lNEl.lt, und LA.NU SL.HYr.YuK, IJIGAX, CACllJi COL'XTi: .Mineral oloinii survovod. olO JOSEPH CORLINSKI. J 1 V 1 I. UNU I N H 10 It , Unitod ttutos Mineral ami Doiiiity Sorvoyor for Utah, OlF.ee: First South Street, nearly opposite 8-0 tit. ilara'B Uhuih. . ivi, TT'BURCESdi Givi. Engineer and U. S. Kini-rai Surveyoi', Will pro, -are the necoaarr Vafors and Dia-eratas Dia-eratas tor 1'atenu and FrotcdU. OfTmo id Building occupied by Burvoyor deuoral. ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW. J. C. HEM1NCRAY, TL'OKNEY-AT-LAW. OFFICE, NO. 5, jA KiiiibnU's Block, FiraL South Btroet, alt Lako City. - CKO. VKNAHt-K SMITH fl- J. JONASflOS SMITH & JONASSON, 4 TTOKNEYSA COUNSELORS AT LAW. jrV Main Street, Salt Lake City; two duors souih ufr?alt I. nko llouso. N. 11. A NeUry alwaia in thoofico. Bug" Hn;KA HTOUT TIIKODORE HVHM F.STKK STOUT & BURMESTER, TTKNEYS-AT-LAW, OlTico on Main street, nearly oju'osito iho Tribune Utlico, Salt Lake City, Tjtah. aii J. U. CART KB. C. C. TTlLSoa.S. CARTER &. WILSON, l TTORNEYS-AT-LAVT, OFFICE OVER 1. t'lrat National Bank, East Toinido Et. uorf V. BFNFTTr. Q0. K. WIIITHET. BENNETT, & WHITNEY, A TTUUNEYS-AT-LA W, OFFICE OVER J I. GroniK'a ttoie, Alain street. Salt Lake City. fe20 C. H. B B il IS1 K A D, M. KIEKI-ATKICK. HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATR1CK, ATTORNEY S-AT-LA W, MAIN STREET, Oupoaito Wolla-Faiuo & Co., Salt Lake Pity. ff a' Prospeetus for 1874. Seventh Year. THE ALDSE, An illustrated Monthly Journal, universally adiuiltod to b5tliolland;o!iieat roriudica.1 in the World. V roiireiontativo and Chaiariun of Amoncan Taata. No for tin le in Ik'vk or Ncas titvres. Tlifl ALUlNi;, while I1:.-: with hII tho roitularily, his nooo uf llio tuuiporary or timely interosc L'h urnct wrilio of ordinary i.tiiiodipuH. ll if i'u oliu'ant mifcollnny of i uro. light and irraccful litoraturo, and a collection col-lection of picture, ttio rurosl sjiociuiona of artistic hI.UK in bliu'l; und white- Although each mice i. o iinc number atlbrds a frosli plea-nuro plea-nuro to i-friends, tbo real value and beauty of tbo a Mho wiH be ico-t appreciated after l it him been; bound up at. iho close ol tho yoar. W hilo olh(r 1'iiblicatiun may claim supenor cbo:ipncWa3 comiiared with rivfils of oinil-tar oinil-tar chi-is. lio Aldioo 6 a uni'iue and original concooti'i-loiio n'l unapi-rou hod-ahJe-luli'ly wpout cnui'Otitiuni in ince or character. cha-racter. Ill'' iMi-rcssur of a comidoto volume rniinotdij.licate the tiuantityof tine paper and onarviH- in any oi her tii iie or numboiof vfbiiuoi i 'or ten timos ita c.H ; und Ihon tbore aitho cbromos. buaidos!" AR1 DEPARTMENT, J S7'-A. Tli-. lJii;ti Jli'Hi nf thn Aldinc liar won a w.n l, i-if'lo i-opulnlltTi, Hi;d in th" art. coctron ul r-iirn' it is an adiuitteil tact that its wooa cuts are oxaiiiploa of tho highest infection ovur atn.nmi. Tho c;fimin prvjiulico in lavur t.rt"cl ila'"3," ii rnpkllr yioldinc to a nitiro-lncated and and di'cniniu-miK taaro which evoxuifosi the adMintapos ot auponor arli-tic iiunhly with rrruatur tacility ot production pro-duction Tho hoodcul.s f tho Aldino posses all auG-iohcE-v an.! i-lubonito finish of the nii.t ciftiv ftfol j.latu. wiiiio tnoy aliord a butler pudcrinKOl taoartiBii' oriKinni. To fu.'y reali.u tho wtnidorlul work which tho AUiiio itl"itit: lor the cause of art culture in Aniorla, it is only nece-sury to consider tho (ot to Be pcudo of any other decent ropro-ftjntatLs ropro-ftjntatLs ol tho pn.iluctions of great pointers. Inaddli-'nlo ihodin:us by the oioiubora or tho Suional Acadouir, and othor nolod America) urtista. the Aldino will roprodaco e"mpl.lof tho bet foreign master, selected with - vrw to tho ui,,ho3t nrtisuc success and F-eatct ;nctal interott. 'J'hui tho sub.crih-orbi sub.crih-orbi tnoAldino w, il.nl n tntlintj cost, onj.,y in his o'n lioiuo tho ploaauroj androunuia iiiiiiu'nci-.ol irue art. Tim iiikricrly tinted plates for will bo bv 'Ihoint Moron und J. !'. UooiUvard. Iho Liri-tain-- Imuu for 171 will contain si.O'-inl di-ns impropriate to tho reason, by our h-'Hf. tUriii m-l will aurpaiwin atuacUon any oi its Jwducvsaon., pREMiyM FOR !, ,iv ,;,-tiiici 1.1''-. -' ,n si--' in.i.c-ir-tiii- ""'' t"ciniilie- ot the -n-'!!!!, u' -Use prel-'iiti'ti'T. ..l-.iw..riliy cx.is'il-b; ilcric Kii-e t l-d.'.ipo i-air. ? J! "orili-r cl lb- Aldmo a .'.'li'-ilv I ,v n'''1'1" hii.i.mal ( :.tt-i'M ''-Hf' ."r.111 b.m-ll ; , ih,Lt--"rt".Viiri., N , L.cpt- -' tb. l-5. "ji''!:;:::;;:i",o,d;iiiht..,..iio,iH, , f. ;i;r;;:". ;';a.f,!;?''''y M.t.l": ir'" ., :1m ..ii-iiMt I'AuiutiiiS """'..r.v "Vc''rMH;:,M..it.iN.... .... ' ,,,t.n uc in I'l H-y Fcn..t' Anion - ' '"'t'i' u,. :.v .111 oiuin.il A 11 'Ml 1T-- wrd in':-t":i -I A.'.-ncin n nv'i''-XlJiV'' '-u vc":'iil' 'er'icU r'r t II n. h-l-r btva-ne -i all thi-.th-y i .-criaii'lv v? an .n,er,?': 110 :' r,1 '-n i , -i cm ir.;; ire. anil r.difior .Are t..-'y l'u'' , -v0t.i. i! -V rcn.-'n of i.--uh.ir faci.i-" faci.i-" , ,,ridii c,lJit lho ro-.i-.icr. vr"l"t,fe:Vo',i"i':;":..'e ",,,;or'1, '.-.Vt,.'' rnco 01 Hit AI.DI.NK P'',- -.'i i-io ill i-n.o :he. " fic;-.:roi f ' V'1-' i-o- !"--r li ' i';cy did or .1-. i t i'''''-t Var,d'":" m i-r.--i.i;o ii.o cr,-,erpriio ' J -r; :l.o 1 ii-:i-h:r! w.il .-'-: o:li3." a ne-i nibMuti-"."','' nibMuti-"."','' I i" , "ii-"'1 n:r.v. ;c; -.ejoatiiir a ii'-U Vis r 'u ev ic " b" 50 "-.i e-"cs L,-l:-; lii 0 ku.'icf et bi-'hca;;. TE3 MS. CANVAS3E7J ' -,- ZIOVii tO-OPElLVi'IVB Mercantile Institution Is doing lho largest business ever carried on in the Territory Terri-tory ol Utah, arising from an uniform tvystom 'of dealing principally with manufacturers manufactur-ers of standard goods, buying in immense quiuitities and selling on the closest margins.-The margins.-The largest part of their purchases for the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOOES DEPARTMENT arc made through their New York olliee, from whence all fluctuations in the Foreign and Home Markets are closely close-ly watched. The fnstitulion is complete in all its various departments and fresh novelties are added to the stock as fast as they are offered in the market. Visitors are shown through the buildings without the slightest importunity to purchase. pur-chase. The gentlemen in charge of tho several departments are among the most widely and favorably known in the Rocky Mountains and we commend them to the confidence confi-dence of the public, promising that no effort on their part will be wanting to ensure a continuance of its patronage. They are enabled not only to suit the tastes of an intelligent intelli-gent trade, but also to compete com-pete successfully with Eastern dealers. In fact, no country merchant can afford to pass by this city under the impression im-pression that Eastern markets will give him lower prices, better stock ormore favorable terms. Their GROCERY, JARDWARE DRUG DEPARTMENTS lor completeness and variety of stock have never been equalled west of New York, and merchants in the neighboring neigh-boring settlements and Territories Terri-tories cannot do better than replenish their slocks from this source. Their CLOTHM ISEPMTjlIYf is now opening its magnificent Fall and Winter Purchases, among which is the most varied assortment of Gentlemen's Gentle-men's Furnishing Goods ever brought lo Utah. Since merchant-tailoring has been add ed to and made a specialty in this department, that branch of the Institution's trade has attained a perfection perfec-tion never arrived at by any similar house in tho Territory. Terri-tory. Foreign and domestic fabrics of every slyle and price made to order or sold in piece, Tho SHOE FACTORY Dplrat keeps thirty hands constantly con-stantly employed on all j classes ol work, and has never failed to secure the Frize Medals at our Territorial Fairs. Their facilities for tur'o" 0ut...tir.l-f-lii---u. 'have never been equalled by :my like establishment in Utah. Gentlemen and Ladies visiting the city would do well to leave their measures with that Department, Depart-ment, thus enabling them to order by mail at any time they desire a perfect lit. Among the SrecuuTiic; of 'this Department are those ol Uor.-e Collars, and .sipplving the trade with Leather and ' Findings, a largo and complete com-plete stock of which will ahvas be found on hand. ; Tho Institution deals in every ehus ui m.jiLh.cidii-e, and till preoiu however remote re-mote from bu-hic-f or iiuim-Tact iiuim-Tact living conta-a en h.r.v their oiiivrs jT.m.- i'v I''' ! '.by mailing tb-m i,, " II. K. Cl.VT,;,V, I I BROKE R5. C. E. Pomeroy, MONEY TO LOAN . Exchange on New York, San Francisco ami Europe. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AKD SOLD. S1LVEK BVLLIon IWH'ttHT TRADE DOLI.AKS. Collections JNXaclc. LOANS MADT? for othor partita on first-' class Socuritioa. I STOCKS AND BONDS Bought an-i;Sold. 1 RAIbltOAD TICKETS Bought and Sold. I KJ1 tUR NT It. K. TICKU I ti to tbo liast. CAUIN AND STEER AUE PASSAGE to Earojio. ' CHECKS CASHED aflor BanVinR HourB. TRUST PKKDS, MORTi'lAOKS i DEEDS DRAWN; TITLED ENA.MJN lD. . If yon wane Cho-ip Puaco to tho East; If you want to Sond ilunoy to tho Old Country ; IT you witnt to Kmirrato a Friend from Europe, call at the oilieo in CODBE'S DRUG STORE. IRON FOUNDERS. EDMUND WILKES Uasa. SILT LAKE IRON C9 Manufociuror of all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, billing und Smelling fclACNSriESY, Will oontract to oroot QuAiiTZ Mills & Sml'1,tei& cuiiiplcLe, SWITCHES. FllOGS nml WATEll STATIONS, SEAT, HAND, PUSH, and MINING OA It S, BUILDING F K 0 N T S, OKNjUIKNTAL HOUSEWORK, And BUILDINGS, Etc. IVMSJl Uno blook Soulh of tQo U.C.K.K. Koi'tpnilior w. ls:L 1 lUKSUoiiiEii Kjui'itrj run tuke $100,000 for only $2.50. THE LAUlii:riT Ki-nXHN KUR THE -tjjlALLl'iiT IX VtIMET. GIFT CONCERT Will bo hold at LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, Dwtr.ber 31st, 1873, For lho boccfa ;i .IL'VKXILK REruil.u M'lltMiL. JU.CKX) GJKTS, $l-30,t3 IN I'RIZK, ruixcirAL n:iJ, JIO.VXKJ, Ctin'iiiir of thn nj,rl fnl-itil re-iden'-" if ,-in-.,n A' "I- I f r. i. rnvule , orcian.-jn tr i r;i i,ri,-,r .,;il n few In-1. fr!n t!:o Co-irt H o n. tn i.-.-. U-d by m nrr. ;;.: t cr,,an.i.J. -r.-n.,:.:; t.-rr-W., arj vimjnr.li 'lhr h.:;M,r; bi- h"n )y r-' w.tiy cuiiil'lftcd itd all u.j.Jl.';c imi roTt-l ratCU", f 1 C! I'r..'" "....'...'..'.'.'.'.'..'."."i-. !'"r 2 s;;'.,"i e-h. , x .;"i ''t l'."'; H'.i'l " '. i".'JjO l'iucs. t WVj i TS"l:''-l'j :Lo a'- '.crcii e'.:.te I." juarao- ttiLiij erorc--';ri lLo i .jor n.4n to lo 't. ' -A"-' - s'f. 'i.j'.. o'iilLiiVi 'and' t tr y 7 . 7 i "' ' SI'iON A2-UES, I . ; . .... 7-. . t: ... . :WIEDICAL. MRS. CARPENTER, T-)HYSICIAy AND 8UnOKON, ofiioo Gi-0 X dor, oortL of I'lutuOica. Oflice hour, (rum 1U lu l'i s-m., and :t to .'i ii.ui. aulii MARY H. BARKER, M.D., OFFICE ort-opito Old Constitution Boild-ing, Boild-ing, Main Stroet, Oflice hours 10 a-m. to 3 j,. in. lWo-oniM IM,hop Tuttla. J. W. YounK, Kov. C. C. titratton, Hov. J. Welch. iL DR. J. D.THOMPSON, M. D., OFFICE FIRST DOOR SOUTH LAMB Co.-. DniK Store, East Temple Street. HcHido. at Walker House. aii ST TIONER STEVENS 4 CO., Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Between Walker and Clift Houses, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. p2.1 LUMBER. BUK-D'C KIATCWTAtr ; y i4 T I 5x j . H 4 I w S ' 25 s S- a. -a : " a q i 1 S i i Pm Z "3 os Z i-i M d, . u U a, a 1 g -It fi i LUMBER YARD. AU kiadalof LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles. Laths, JONES i FORM AH. TH El ADVANCED PSICE. Dried PEACHES AND APPLES, TEASDEL &. CO. We uro Selling Low FOR CASH our Slock "nf Blankets, Clothing, Shawls, Ann 'Woolen Goods. TEASDEL &. CO. PARLOR, HEATING, AND COOKING STOVES, At I.w Cmh l!..t. TEASDEL &. CO. VKIIY CHOICE FAMIi T GROCERIES, Tiil Ii;i..-,t of TEAS, A:,d :-- .. K.-Ud c o l- i'- jo j-; . ! c u. ami ;x'.lIf;. .vj j ,: r.i.i; r . u n .',. TEASDEL Zl CO., ! 65,67,69 East Temple Street BUSINES3 CARDS. SuuBT UcHtMtxs CtRt'S in?ortod In tLi column, under thi-ir respective heailinp. b '2r cents por line per wook, or "."i cents j-er lint por month. Ihis is an excellent OMprtun:t for miscellaneous doalors and rr.cohr.oi?! tt placo their business prominently b'-.ruro lh( publio at R'vory eronll cosL EMIGRATION ACENT. T C STAINES, l 0. Box li'j:. New V York City. jell T O YS. 0 TO SASl'f-K-i for your Uhrisimad TuVa. J Uprosits Kimball Iilck, uo2 TENTS & WACON COVERS. TCUHTIS, ARert'2d t?onih. oVr-o?itD Com-. Com-. morcial Su TviiL; lro; Ui i--J. y- TOtlN BOI.SER'S Fail Vol, E.ift Tomplo t) Street, three duors of V.' -lkeri.ro. '5. iani? from Slo upivanlj. iyli BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS TAMES DWYEK, 41 Fat To-nple ftrwt, t) Doalor in Ulank Hooks, School L'ooka and rino French btiiiion ory. jeJ " FURNITURE. DiX WOODSY, No5. 31 E-'t 'it-im-le . Ktrrnil an07i lsiisouth FtruoL a- BAKERS. COLORE BAKERY; frc.b r.ie9, Imn". enl-o. T bread, doliverod in ail (jurts of tho city evory morninff. olO BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. WJ. HOOl'EU. No. ."7 Commercial . Stroot, Buots mid Shoca inado to order , CLOTH INC Sl OUTFITTING. O'REILLY k CO., corner of 'M South und Commercial Streets. t-'Lu Sin and i ur-nishinK ur-nishinK tioods. ii aid. boots, fhi'er-. A:c. r-1 WATCHES AND JEWiELRY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY 'f t - J . ; c SSMLjSM - O.L.EL IASOW BEGS to inform trie residents of Salt Lnlre City and vicinity, that he nut olj iuaraiitooa to properly Rorair, Clnan and Adjust Watchosand (Jhronomcteni, but ho will make thorn or any part of hotu 10 order, and sr arrant the work. Jnflt rooeivod nctr rarply of Eljrin.SwisB Watcuo and a flno St 'ok of nrat-clr.? 'oYoirs rioos as low its ar.y In town. "I wo ioors En-rt of thn loorat Bank. d SPORTSIVIEN'S SUPPLIES. "BIC GUN" STORE. HACUE BROTHERS1 Importers of and Dealora in Guns, Pistols, Ammuaition Reminglon Sporting Ridas ON SALE. The l,o.,t in use. TINNERS AND CAS FITTERS. r. 1. M1TLHHI.1- U.VIU jAailB" MITCHELL k JAMES, Kespcfl fully nnnounce 1 Inn Tiililic Hint they hftvo TIemdveu to their JSt'w l'ni-miics l'ni-miics on Ve.-t lVtnii Stn- t, oi'i-itj tho CitrM'.-at Miirki:i. s1i.t tli.-y iioi', by Ftrict attt-ntion lo bii-iti-'- ami finull li'rofitn to m-'ril lim rontiiui'1 ):ilr.u:if;" eo liberally bu.-U-.v.-i vi.iti tii'jui. T1K.SUEET IRON & COPPEECLtlTUS JFUIISACE WORK & KiJOFI.NU. Gas, Water, and Sittam FiUr. WESI XEMl'LK STKEfcT, 0,piiU City JtiMl ilurktt GEORGE E. REID & CO. Aro now proparod tu run HAS and WATEll I'iiV-.o Into hnildinc" al lhc eb'ri't ri'li-i nn-l itthe l'.wptl rf"; ami ha: e u a i,i'-ll DSI-Qrienco of ovr tm-'ity vnr' if l-'i'i- 1 cp, ftnarantee all wuik duho in lho beet 1 manner. IVVMp.r.-t.m'K -n h-.r,-! n lur" ';i.; It ' of oas htA u a 1 l ii'i:. (.i. ': i- LIEVS, S'inHK !'!:-!i. .'!.- nrd HI. I UOOl'S. f'jr Ubt, S mtr ni"i St-; I if n,'. 1 I It. MS stiii:-t. Opposite AValkcr ISoiisf. , STEAMERS FOR EUROPE. WHITE STAR LKJE CA J'.'.". 'ii:i- UNITED CTATES :-:L 1,1.1 ., Nftw 'ion. L Liv.niJ, : r, - :.: j , ' - r . nil ' ' I BANKING. ;j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ; GESERET NATIONAL BANK. lltcfclvc depots oront Uollur and I'pwiirds. l IaUTL.-t at uicM !' " iKimpounJcd ..rai-ar.rua"y, on IU j of ilarch Sortftm1,. .'.. I M M. n. JIOOVEi:, l'MiJonl. j H. S. ELDKEDGK, Vico rwUin'.. j L. S. lULl, Cailiur. ! DESEBET jwATIONAL BANK . j SALT LAKTciTYTUTAfi. " ) PAI01 1' CAPITAL VM I ACIliuKUKD CAPITAL, . W. II. UO'iPKI'., I'r;.JH. I II. S. K.L0Nr'O,.ri. 'i,e P70. ' I PiiiilUAM lulNU, 1 WM.JPNXlN.it.. Diroc-.ori. JOHN S1IA1U'. I F. LITTi.S. I 6E.L1, la iuo!il llusl, Coin, Eichanse, land Wiirraiils, College Scrip, clc. - COLLECTIONS MAOhl .AND PK0.MP1LT ttiuiimu. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR Sf.LE. Interest Paid on SAVINGS DEl'OSlTri ni First Xational Bank of Utab - HALT LAKE CITY. See Special Adveriisoment on Third Pas pi SALT LAlvK CITY NATIONAL BANK. Authorized Capital, $-500,000, Z M. DrRELL. PrcM-ient. JLNKPM M. iil'KKKl f, Cofhier, liLMP5iliAl A K.1KKPAXK1 Cri, Altornoy. CviRRKaronnKKTs: ?w vnuw J Nation! Park Bank. uslft Drr.ntM. Lawpon 4 1:0. B0ST0H...Nationat Bank of Kortlx Amo-rira. Amo-rira. t:iI10A(lO... Third National Bank. I Sr. LOUIS. ..'Ihird Niitu'iial l;ant.( OM A 11 A...t'ninha Naimiinl Bank. SAN EhAM;iSCO...ttiional Gold Banli iJid Trimt Co. LJ:lJ0...Ja Cook, MoCullooh A Co. WELLS, TAUUO & Co.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS Bankers & Dealers in Exchange, Drafts on Europe. Kuropnan ColloctiiTtis protuptiy fttii'iidud lu. EAST TE-Ml'LE SI'., HALT LA KB CITY 4. V. T11ITE. W. ft. M'COHItlOK, ' WHITE &. HcCORNICK, SuccoFfors to A. W, Vt Lite i Co.,) JO.BT 'f Kj'.l'l,K-aT., Sa.LT LaH Citv. Dealers in GOLD UUfiT, COIN & BULLION ! hJU.cJiai.yc im idt (. jtnuvjmi at.ia of the UviUd Stales ami l'.uice. rjfiiru'Hr iilt-l'iiun nu.n i'-.ii(-)infi. Hiti .'ot'ciiif r.'LiUi..d ui ciirreiii late of j-.x. cf. huk'i .jn day ol i iiymeui. I 'J. E. U'UriiNEV, Aitoruer. UhiiIi ',f ('Hliri)r,;n s, Knnnri. I-"I'll i A ' A.... LH.uk ul hIj. Nl'H Vnrh CuiidJ Ji J'jim.0 Cbirnvu Jninhi National B.-tnii Uuiaba' BFlUorltb. S T E W J E ' T ' S CLLLLUYiLD 13 11 TJ S IT J C S, Mil I'AINTLKS, KAI.'iMI'.TI'.1-', UillJLVi A ni l' -, I110I..-1..MLN, Aii (i..5,.iL Y unit, i LUB. I j for Stilo, Wholcmlo and IUtll, ht 7, M. I. r,T,rfn and Pr-i bei.ttn.wf, I y. u.sD.w. i'. j a -., ! 7 J'llLM.i.FKh. I'. ; JOHNSON'S i.,.m i. r I'll,;, r i, . .,..)., ..,. 'I'l .. . ., (.. .-. .-.-I , ;. , .. , - ,. ,-, ii, i::,;. .' ! i : i ! i ' ', i.', i v i " 1 ' ' ' 1 ' |