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Show Geoiwia llASjnst hung " "Oru, (Jeorgo Kainfon!, for 'ailing to kill a friend. The inten'-iun was very manifest mani-fest as he blared away at said friend three times with a navy revolver, finally fin-ally shooting a bystander who was enjoying the mildly sedative sport. The jury was convinced that the "cullud pusson" bad murder in his heart and found him guilty of "murder "mur-der by accident." The judge sentenced sen-tenced him to he hung but wrote the governor a statement- of the case aud accompanied it with an abstruse and learned opinion showing that the negro could not lie legally, executed. His exceilfiu-y concluded that it wasn't his fault an I liam!'i;-d wa.-M.rangled wa.-M.rangled in approved styli-. This is an anomalous case, and shows how much danger then' is in mL--ing the mark, .sine-.' th.' ju,-y ii;n;ih-l that killing (he ': -. i aimed at would have secured a . i d hi oi ju-,tili abi: boui'K'ide. |