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Show Arrivals and Departures of Mails. ARRIVALS 2tit Thr.uutb ,li,- fCMim Wal-n,.,!..,,, iMm Cirv-. t twnlvh und Moriiun conn- . tit;, (iuily Ji;!0 p m. unimit anil Wimitrh erun-tiu, erun-tiu, Tiuisuny iind 'iliuis-dny, 'iliuis-dny, 7:10 p.m tVet Through mnil, thtih- ll:Ut a.m. Will U u.tl .l,.j,nn nnl Il'-i rlrji-n. Tlnir.-.luv, 7:10 ..m. looelo county, daily, i-xtvpl .irunta ill", ; iitur jay S:1"! p.m. rtli Idiilin. Mnnlnm, Orornrt nnil Wjihirl"n 'I'iit .tlnih',...II:IO n.iu Loi-iil )nvi-nnd Mux lilik-r (oiintic-. ilnih- 11:1(1 u.lil. CaplHp(.nn(v,.1.nnliiy,Tliurs- .hiy nnil .aturdu'-, 11:10 u rn. Hirh county, .Mimdiiy nnd 'rtiursduy 11:10 o.m. Boiilh-ri.Tlio, daily 7:10 foi St. (ioorKis und Aruunii, ;it- tornnto diivs 7:10 p.m. SnniKito c nun-, Tuoidiiy, Thurdtiy mid 4:tilu duy 7:10 .iii. i'uirfiuld and L'udur Vulh'y. 1'ridiiy,. 7:10p.m. .t - Tliniiiith muil.duiiy 1:00 .m. Lucul Oitilcn, Mown county, coun-ty, licno Uily and Wasutch, daily i:Wii.m. Snrjiniit ami W mutch coun-t coun-t io", Mnnduy und Wodnos-duy, Wodnos-duy, 4:00 a.m. "Wost California, Nnvnrta and Oj;- don, ttbnwttli muil! duily,.. I.ni. Lociil W est Jordan and liorriman. Thur-dny, :'& a.m. Tooole, Stonktun and tlnmis-villo, tlnmis-villo, daily, uxcopt bun-day, bun-day, fi:.0 a-tn. orth Idaho, Montana, Washington Washing-ton and Oregon, daily, 2:'.l i.m. Lounl Duvii and Wobor Box Eldur county- daily,. 08 tt.fi: Cache eimntv, Sunday, Tuos- duy and 'J'nursday, i,iu. Bich county, '.Tuesday and Thureday, 2:0 p.m. B uth Piocli", etc., dnily,. 5:.'Wn.m. St. Ucofko and Ari.unu,ul- tornfito days 5:30 a.m. Eanpete county, Sunday, Tuerday and Thureday, 5:00 a.m. Fairfmld und Coditr Valluy, Wednesday, 0:i!0 -m. OFFICE. 1I0UKS. General delivery open from S a.m. to 0 p.m. Sunday. 12 to 1 ).m. Monoy Ordor and Rog,3try Dopartrnent tpon from it a.m. to 1 p.m. Outfiido door open from rum. to 0 p.m. J. Al. AlOUKJJ, rustiiiasler. U. S. STAMP DUTIKS, Stompdutioa havo boon abolishod by Act of OD8ro3E. Only tho following are retained: Bask Cnrrirs, Siclit Drafts, Moooy Orders, sicht or demand, dran on any hank, bimkor, or trust company, ornnyauni of money whatsoever, 2 cent.'. Drwn on any othor person or corporation, corpo-ration, over 310 2 " STAGE LINES. CILMER&SALISDUHY'S DAILY THBOUQH Utah, Southeast Nevada & Montana jeavinK SALT LAKE CITY, DAILY. J tunning Ronth to Tiotio, American Fork' Woont obo, Sovie .St. Georgo, Utah; and Pioche, Nevada; PASSIXO THROUGH ITOTO, Springvillo, Spanish Fork, rMvsont Salt Crook, Chickon Crook, Round Valloy, Fillmore, Corn Crook, lioavor, Minor?villo, and all tho Principal Towns and Mining Campi in Southern Utah and Southoa3t Also loavo CORINXE, UTAH, DAILY, I-lunning North to V!rin:a City, Helona, Fort I5eoton, Door Lodco, Cedar Crook Mines, and pajsinit through all tho Principal Princi-pal Towns and Mining Camps in Montana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Wells, Fargo & Co. Building SALT LAKE CITY, , LAKE, OPHIR AND TINTIC StapawllaiiSiEKpss JL. 1 Pi f-M, Bt!-';m.a daily i'kom sjlti,ake CITY. Ti. LAKbTOWN, TOUELB CITY, STOCKTON find 'TUIR to TItJTlO. This route has boon re-slockcd iTilh milond id Concord Cottchos. fino Slock, caroml and attentive at-tentive DriTors, and ovory at'ontion is paid to the comfort and con i ouienco of rnseonuoia. Uootl Accommodatioiia on tho raid, TUROl'UII ''I DAVI.IN1I1" Cheap Fare and Quick Time CFF1CB IAf..'El.l.:;.i'Altl'J A':iCO'S SALT LAK " CITY; CAMl'lllil.l, A I.WVKliNCH, l'roiiriotors. C. U. TURPItR a EXPRESS & STAGE ME rnoii LKH1 TO TINTIC, Via Camp Floyd, Iloiuaaivilln. Kurcl; Silver Sil-ver City, und Diitumnn, rnnninu tn-Treoklv. tn-Treoklv. on oppmito days to tiilmer Jc Sal it bury. Express Matter and Light Freight Promptly atlomlod to: Ktinnins firs (-da;, four-horso slock- connoctinK nt Loai l witb tin, truins. Abo a fast fn-idit runnms from Lchi. OFFICES Whito Hou.o.Sult Lake City. . Durant A Cutting Cut-ting Lohi. Jonvs- Hotel, Piniuoiid Cit . Marfan paakasoscuro u. L- Iurnur,J.oht. "ST. AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE, IHGIBEMD SCHOOL FOR BOYS. trllninS-icalth. learniniiand a ChruUaa char- CTho location is "ntr.il, easy or acows, .and removed from tlio diL-lrn.-lion? of tho City, tho chxato of Beniciu U noted lor iti umloinuty 0nTbVil"ilnry diwipHno "nd In.'lrurlfnn, hy its Uiorouchne mid i!iiartia.ity, is Piiiiiiciillj filled to perfect tlio budy. and to pw o n lull f-f obodienco, piympUie;!), wdor and seil-ro- "lJntho clafpical doparluiont pupils are filled t.T the yophoiiiuro year in the Fmvci !( :-r.; ,n tiLoEiiflisa di'iaitmcnt tb'.'y tuny lake thw Proviaioa is ruudol'ur Uiq be:L inMnn-li-.n hi tho French, German or tp.ini.h Ihqk uit,-. h.t.v Instruinontal and vocal muj-ic. ThoSchool Yonris divided into i-u Icrn:;: ofttTonty wcoks each. Trinity Term of 1673, bcglub J uly 31st. EitijLcr Term ofl87I, Jjfgiiis Jan. 15th. KxpetLic fyr Uuai-J, Tuition, Tnul, Li;;lit2, Washing nnlMondiiii;...3;l"-'i 00 per l-.-nn. .ModvmLaiiKiiu :,L'uch 0U j-r Lltui. No extra oharsio or Ann'cnt Lnniia?"". ce-for fvirlli'M iniorijatiun ir circuliir I iddr3 U'.v. V,'j:. l'.TUCK liR. Bonictj.Cal ' RAILROADS. Sh central railroad. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aftor Nov, J, JCT.'I, DAI 1j ' T It A I tN IS Loavo Salt Lake City at M a.m. and3M0 p.m.: Arrivo at Ogdt-n at X;U a.m. nnd -" : 10 p.m.; Leave Ocdon a' :I0 it.m. and t:2 p.m. ; Arrivo at Salt Lake Citv a'. 10:1.) a. iu. and 8:2fl In addition to tho above. MIXED TRAINS will run DAILY, SUNDAYS 'EXCEPTED. Leaving Halt Lake City atS:!tn n-nj. and 5:0.'i j.m., and Ugdon nt 5 a.m. and i):.'M) p.m. Pncpeneo-s will plonao purohaso Ihelr TiokoLs at the Offices. I" Fifty Cent.' additional will bochargod ''hen ho Faro ia col looted on th Train. , For nil information oonoerning freight or pasnago, apply to .1 AS. SHARP Mineral Freight and Ticket Ag-nt. j i.'nrr pnin t-, ti iti TIT AH NORTHERN R.R TRAINS HUN BErWHEN C OEINNB ! Junction with C. P. R. R.! ABO On and naor Oct. 1. 1873, IDaily ronger Trains Leave Corinno at 12:00 p.m.: Leave Logan at 7:.S0 a:rn ; Parties lonvinp fait Lake City for Cache should take tho I'tnh Central mornimr Pafen-Hor Pafen-Hor Trnin, in order to mnko ronnpctlonn with Central Pacific at Ogdon and Utah Northern at Corinno. " Stago" connect with Trains to and from Northern SottlomonL. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. ASSENGElta WILLTLEABE PURCHASE THEIR TICKETS AT THE OFFICE. For all information concerning freichtlor passage, apply to CHAS. NIB LEY, Q on oral Freight and Tiikot Agent. MOSES THATCHER, dU Qon ' Surt-r TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE TO THE EAST, NORTH & SOUTHEAST. no- a, STATION'S. MAIL. Leavo SALT LAKE, 5:Ma.m. 3M5p.m. " OMAHA, 8:30 p.m. 5:30 a.m. ArriveUURLlNUTUN, 5:00 a.m. SUOp.m. " QaIosburg(C.B.&R.) ":00a.m. 10:50p.m. " Mondutn, " 11:15a.m. 3:23a.in. " Chicago, " 3:15p.m. 7:00 a-m. " Peoria 0:00ajn. 12:50 a-m. " Ind'pliB(I.B.AWJ 0:15rim- 0;25a.m " Cinclnnali, 11:00 p.m. 1:13 p.m. " Luganeport, 5:5op.m. 0:20a.m. (T. P. & W.) " Columbus 2:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. w Through Cars from Misnouri River to Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati. Lonans-port, Lonans-port, Columbus. Now lork, BoaLon, Philadelphia, Philadel-phia, and Washington. Connection at thoso points with linos leading lead-ing to tho East, North and South. This is tho Best, Shohtkst-i iJuicKKST and CliEAl'tS't Koutk. Do not be docolved, but obtain Tickets via tho Burlington Jc Missouri River Railroad, AM. POWELL, ROBT. UAKHIS, Uon'lT t. Acont. Uon'I Sup't. Gon.Wosiorn Pais. Agt-, D. W. HITCHCOCK.. FURNITURE. EXHIBITION EVERY DAY AT A.E.CULfViERCO'S SHOW ROOMS, or FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE SS MAIN hJTKKET Next Uwjr lu Husijcy'ij new Bank, ol C. P. R. R. On hikI al'lor Monday, Sopt., 9, IH?, Ti-hIiih will lt'iive Oiil:n tlallj , as follcwi: 5:50 p.m., Pauenrsr Train for Saccamonto and can t rantsco. .Ii33 .m., Through Freight Train for Sacramento Sacra-mento and Ban iranoiboo. 1. II. WOODMAN, Gn. Pus. and Tiokot Agent A. N. TOWNK, 'lon'l Sup't IKO. U. KICK, Asmt, Salt Lake City, u, yi'.q .Morn ha II M Koylu, iwW. V. .1 Co's Bank. "2(1 THE HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. MINERS AND FURNACEM EN: P1ET VOL'K PaY nOLLS, RECEIPTS It REPORT1, r-.Jwhoro you aro sure of satisfaction. THE HtiKALD JOB 0FFICK.; I OUR POLrCTt AUj the time Is to get Tie Latest Novelties in Printinc CONNOISSEURS TO PLERSE THEIR EYE THE HF.lt ALU JOB OFFKfi. TRADESfflEM AfID BUSINESS MEN: WHO REALIZE THE VAM t. JF GOOD Display In Advertising. et your Bills and Cards where; they "will do the most good" ;thk herald job officii. "MERCHANTS AM) ti A X K E II WHO LIKE TO PEE Til KIR ORDERS; Cards. Rillbond-, Letterheads, etc. printed neatly and in the latest style, calla THE HEKALU JOB 0FF1UB. OIK FACILIT1LS AND MATERIAL have been largotj- adduod to recently and anything frtnn tho i;.o ol a Wedding Card to a nu'dcrnto-siod Poster can bo printed in the bust stylo of llio art at . ,T1IB HEKALU JOB OFFICE. ' UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAB On and aftor November 2ith, ISi'Z, I A. I L Y XRA.1IV Loavi the Utah Centp.I Bailroad Depot, Tor Provu and intonuediate utatiuns at i a-m.: arrivo at Sandy at 7.4.'.; Draper at 8 HI; Lohi at S.V; American Fork al d.W; Pleasant tirovo at o.io; and at frovo at 10.WI. Leave Provo it Yi.'.fO p.m.: Plea'ant O-ove at l.i.".; American Knrk at Lohi at itM; Dmper at onndy at arrivo at salt Lake City at i p in. Bin addition to tho above, MIXED T It A 1 N 8 W ill run Daily, Sundays excepted, TO AND FROM SAXDV, Lnsvinp the Utah Central Ft R. Depot. Salt Lake Citv. at 1(1 a-m. and 1 p.m. Arriving at Sandy al 7 2'i a. in. nnd 2 I"i p.m. Leaving "lardy at 0 i" a.m. and 1 t.'. ,-m. Arriving at Salt Lake City at 11 im and 6 p. m. Passengers will plen"e purcam thir Tickets at the offices. Kitt.v cents additional will bo chargod when the fare is collected on the Train. For all information concerning Freight or Paspg, apply to J AS. SHARP. Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. iriniAMnR7. i.rrri.ic. Only 50 Cents per Bottle-. It promle the IJIlOWTri. PRESERVES die COLOR, nnd liir-renscn llio Visor and liEALTV of llio UAlil. Oveb TrrmTT Veatis ino Tton'o K-ATnAtnow Si"1, i,'"3 S,!S was rlrnt plaenn in thn njurkni ' I PrfrRnorK.Ttinmnain.fcBTailufttoot Prinrnlnn rollego. Thfi nnmo is (teriToii Iroin tlin t.roeL, " KaTHHO," signifying to rltnn", r"rL"', r'7"r'" "" I or ir . Tbo ,or it has roceivotl, and tho pnpu-larity pnpu-larity it hosobtalnoil.I uoiiraeoilonUiil nn.l iinTor-iUJ iinTor-iUJ It increases the Ouow rii nnd Hf.aiitv nl iln IJAin. It is dolightfnl diTMing. It ernilicntM ji.ii.lniff. It prejenlstho llnlr Irnm tnmmn RTni-. Kiot.W BPpui.iino.. U id ttio BAME iu QrrANnrv: nnd Quality as it was over a Qdartkr l a Cku-TIJIIT Cku-TIJIIT Aao. and is sold tV nil nrecuiats and Cmin- ! try Sterol at only Fitly Cents per iJoUio. Woman's Glory is Her Hair. P LYON'S SALT LAKE CITY BOILERWORKS BOILERS OF ALL KINDS, Upright, Locomotive or Stationery, I JIftdeBd R.piired, SMOKE -STACKS AND TANKS Built to o rd.r, ind Shoot-Tron work prompt 1; doqa. IRON BOOtS FOR VAULTS OR tAI,ES, And Iron Shutters m. ovory diacriptios miB Boilors and Quo. bought or taken in part payment for work. Urdors by mail orj telegraph will reeelTe irnmodiato attention, t.lfl JOHN RLOAN OO. 1873. The CMcap ami ilortlwesteri BAILWAY. IHB Best, Shortest and Quickest K O IT T V. K ALL T0IMS LAST, Vi Chii.-aR!, ifc North wi'.')rn Knilwaj. " Thereby socurins 3pi nn.CoBRORr, Sapeti and SUUK COS.HKCriO.NH. Diroct cnmmunirntlons mnde nt Omaha and' Council Bluffs with tho I'nion Puciho'Kuilroaa and at CHICAGO witb all Railway Lines for the East, -North oxd South. This lino has adopted nil modern Improvements Improve-ments in track and equipments, including aStol Rails, Luxurious Day and Sleeping Coys, with Miller Platforms and IVoEtinghoiiao tatety Air Brakes. Pullrunn Palace Drawing Room nnd SWplriB Cars run through botwom Council Bluffs and Chicago, on all Fx press Trains. Luggage checked through and bandied with us ro. No OTlra charge for transler at ftmahanr t'hicnico'c possongorH having Through TickoLs, viatbn CMchro & Northwestern Railway. Throti li Tickets can bo obloincd at llio Railroad Rail-road Ticket Offices i'l Salt Lake City, San Francisco, .Sacrament), Ogdon, Omaba, Counril BUiir.', and all principal ticket oQicos on the Contra! irn L'nton PuoiHo Railxoads. roc, SALE. The Building latoly occupied by SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. As a Hardware and Iron Store, Next lo tho While Ilouso, with a ninoyc?ra ground lease. An-iuiro of aug22 SCOTT, DUNHAM A Co j NOTICE TO MERCHANTS f:ar west freight cd, Fast Freicrht .Line FROM St. Louis via Lincoln, to Omaha. No Cmii'n. -;" Can t-j Kdt J,kc. i No CroKsing Miwouri Kiver Bridges Consequently no Delay. Merchants ordoTini; (rood.i Trom H Louis will Gnd this tho Unickcst and Cheapest Route. wfifFuNB." "k0d fl"J Bbil',,ed vin "1'AR Por lurthor particulars, spwial ratoo, Ac. applyto JAS. F. ACL A R, ugd Herri Manager, St. Louis. Refer to Z. C. M I. FIRE BRICK AND CLAY. J UTAH FIRE BRICK COMPANY FACTORY : Comer Jlh S,,uU, sln-cl ami L'uli Stjutticrn IUiIr.:nl. OFFICE : Now i'iiU Nnljfiiwl Bank I'.uil.lu,); ' Sivll L:kc City. NO. FIRE-BRICK AND CEMENT Constantly on hand, W0 will build all kind or Fun 0- at I'Mrcl Livins TTKm, and hy tin, wry Lo-t ' iIhanics. C. W. BENNiSTJ', ,JrB Socrotary mil r sKS 1 fTa been before the American public 1 DVEIt THIRTY years It has never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, nnd ban justly been styled tho panacea for all ex- ; terrml Wounds, Cuts, Ilnrnfi, Swellings, Sprains, bruiHcn, Sec, &c., for Man and cast. No family should bo a single dav HAGAN'S MagnoHaBaka V A FEW APPLICATIONS UAEE A Pure Blooming Complexion. It Is Pnrrly Vppplablo. and Ito opcraHon Is Keen and Mt at ooco. It does anny with the i'lunhed Appvaranco caused by Beat, t'atiffne ndEicltcmunt. Hcalaaud rmovcHoll Itlotcnoa and Pimplra, ditipplliDi; dark and HDlghtly ppota. UriToe away Tan, Frechlcs and Bnn-burn, Bnn-burn, and by lU gcntlo bi:t puwtrfui inll"enc fiiantloa tbo ladud clieck with YOUTHFUL BL00X AxO) BEAUTY. Sold bv nil nrncirlB'n ami r.iocy Stores. .Oft. )t.53 Park riaoo. Ni'Wl'orli , ; Chicago & Alton R. R. THl Only First-Clan li'jad in the Westi LOUISIANA, MISSOURI Haw Short Km to I rum ithout Changs. Via St. 1,-niis, K.in"ai Citj- nnd Nr thorn (late North Missouri) and ChicBKO Pud Alton Kailroada, omssinft tho MiMfisiippi nt Louisiana. Louisi-ana. Mu., nnd piiHsiiiR thri'Ui.'h JaonHunvillo, UluouiinKton and JoiioU I'hu SHOKTEST AIi'D BEST ROUTE TO THE EAST, via CH1CAU0! EleeranL Day Cars rullman Palate Slwciiing Cars' Hun through frni K sunns City and St. Louii to Chicagu. Puilman Palace. Diniutj Rooms, '8 t HMO K1NC. C AltS to Chicaa"ofrm KaD-aa Clly adi:'U LuuiB Jiiim Miikbs jus Guud TiiHo. VriHii"nl 1"!;!",-l:"n5; uollor Boenuimn- tlHti.jDn, bultor 'track, uicro lo;iiit Day Cars,, im.ro luxuriant nnd comk-rlahlo T'n.-11"- lrai113 of Kiinpua I'arific and all osLorn lUiid.i connoi t cP..lv wiLh l r.iin;; of this I.iiiu, in I'ni'jn Do-ui, Kansas J A3. Jl A KLTU', 'oi'ora, 1'avonsor nnd Ticket AkohI, U. A A 1 It. It., Lhicao. i a. Mc.MDLLIN, Oon. Bunt, C. A A. It, R., Chicago. without tbia LinimontT Ti'.o money re ftiin.r-rl unless the Liniment is ns rcpre-srnM. rcpre-srnM. lie sure nnd p-t tlii ceniiin MEXICAN MUSTANIj T.INIMKNT. Sold by all DnifrgiBts ami Couut.-v Sifin-K, at I 2;",r.. One. nrd $1 00 p.-r iJcl'Uo. Notify) .aitvle. size of bottle. St. Louis, Kansas City AND Northern Short Line. TO A.D FROM SAII' LAKE AND THE EAST. l'lissengers to and fnjni Suit L:iV;e sboukl bear in mind tb;i.t the St. Louis, KansusCity ifc Northern Sliort line in connection with the K:uis;is City, St. Joseph, & Council IiluUri K. R., is the only line running through ears over the greiit Missouri River bridge into :tnd out of Omaha. All other linen to or I'roin tho eitpt, north or south in-volvo in-volvo a disagreeable transfer and change of cars in transfrring over the Missouri River into a ml out of Omaha. This line is the only one running through curs between St. Louis and Omaha in direct comiertion with the Union Pacific railroad. These are imiinrtjint fnrta fnr t.lm frinnlimr mill. lie to consider, as eli.mes of ears and transfers, which other lines are subject to, nre sources of great discomfort dis-comfort and inconvenience to travel crs which the iniated fully appreciate, all of which travelers may avoid by taking this great through line, and availing themselves of the advantages it oilers, GO THROUGH ST. LOUIS. It is not generally known, but it is nevertheless a fact, that the shortest line to and from Salt Lnke, and Louisville, Lou-isville, Cincinnati, Indianopolis, Columbus, Co-lumbus, Wheeling. Pittsburg, Cleveland, Cleve-land, Ilufiitlo, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Philadel-phia, Baltimore, Washington, New York and Boston, is through St.Louis, , over the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Short line. This line is not only tho shortest and quickest, but it alTords an additional advantage of passing through St. Louis, the great metropolis of about four hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, the third largest city in the Union, and is most prosperous in all brandies ot tnulo and nianufacturics. It being located in the great Valley of the Mississippi, practically at the junction ui.Hi?iii&r!yer' 8 pradyallv -cation, a large majority of the trade of the Great West. People going to or from the East North or South, to or from the Great West, by other lines, should by all moarjstake this lino through St. Louis, and personally witness the magnitude of ibis great ritv. The St. Louis, Kansas City .t Northern North-ern Short line, with iLs elegunt equipment equip-ment of reclining chair cars, which they run without extra charge, its magnirictmtday coaches and Pullman sleeping palaces, and excellent roadway, road-way, a (lords the best nvunue to or from St. Louis, to and from the Grca West. 2so. 13 PACIFIC. RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Until further notice, train? will leave and arrivo at Oifdcu duily, ils follows: r, ., .. L"aro. Arrivo. J'BilyLsire.w.N.:fl)ftin I PaitvExprois Mi'pm -Ml-yd ii.;;i)m .Mix,.(1 ;:,,, ireiKht Jl).;,iin Froi-ht li.lUam Duily eorinrclifins made nt (Wlon with LUih Cetiti-al rond from Suit Lake City and all points in Southern Utah. At Bryan with eUtgea for bwectwater -Hitics. At Clioycnne with Denver Pacific K.R., for Denver, Central City, CeorgL'town and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chieajro and Northwestern, North-western, Chicago, Rock Lslund and Paeilie, liurlnifiton and Misf.nn lliver Kanstil Litv, St. Jno and Council BlutRi Kailromlg I and issouri River Lin of Btt-amera lbr all points Last and S-)ut, 'Dekftfl j;,r Walo ftU y , oflico of Mhite.McCorniukA; Co., Pa,4 lemple. street, and nt tho otiiceof Utah CV:i AmniKcmcnls tin? l.en mnn, lvn.T,. ;yj)as!WiKtTSlc,irinK to visit Dcnv.T on tliwr way (.nit ran avail Hiomsi-lT of an csijumion rato from C'liovcnno to Denver and return at preatlyrraluefd rates ior iiurtieulursand all information in retard to passive, apply at 'J'ieket (Jlliee 10MciiKiTj uliould Ui cnrt'ful lo secure llieir lieketa to all Ehlcm and' bolltluTii poinU via OMAHA, and tins avail tlioni.clvea of tho nrlvantngra of n uirouKli Bleeping car, comlbrtiiulo aceom-modaliona aceom-modaliona and quick time. Tir-.L.KWn 1, lieneml Ticket A;;ent. T. . .Sickli:?: Chief Knlni-er n, Su,.l. tii r r irhci lacHin-inp, mi,, ,.nw , .: ,'i...,:,ie livurywiiuro iqv ari "." i:to,thr,,,,t:iorf-a,;;,i--''-'l : TAUIIlisrs Merveseeiit mur Ajwient iM'reci.HcIj-flurli a nrcn.-.ration. Witlonil,,. It roar llio.anJor laaiil," hn" a 1 oarniu.no,, hvor comiilaiiu, "-i;;, , nuiBoauon.rloumaliMn.nnd li -or ' 1, 1 1 a ma.volous uioaiQino. Sold hi Llldru- 1 GENERAL. DEALERS. " C R E A T REDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OP GOODS, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boo is and Slices, I Clothing, ;! And ov. r) Ihing noodctl for Futnily use. Cdll and Sec Eeforo Euving AT TAYLOh i CUTLEn, Easi Temple St., under Taylor's H0ej ftU LIFE INSURANCE. THE MiSSOUHi VALLEY LIFE INSURANCE Col OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. 'I ALL POLICIES riOPJ-FORFEITiWC, 3S"o lies Eric Lions upon Travel. DIVIDENDS t,N CONTKLBUIIOa TLAN, nourini thoriit.alort-Jaounl.r, JHr.M, I' to tho I'otioy Jloldorn. 1 11 DSVSDEDS &. LOSSES ARE PMD'ITi CASH T11E COJlI'ASr RECEIVE NO NOTES AND HIVE NONE. THIS COMPAN I UiiCLAJtES DIVIDENDS ON TOE HH3T PiTMSSI, THE .MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE INSUKANCE COHPANT 1. li. t, L ouipaiiy organixcd that can 18HUO "mt-i i la ma onlj BEGISTEHED I'OOL.ICIISS, !'(! 21, aec. w. U'nm u 11,18 """ f pecil Act of Legi.latun, f Km, TXFil 0UK l ofor ' nATHONTl?, t!iO Pnmiurm (l.n) - . . , - i Dividends and "iW Tk 11 k V ' TOU u,n Jip:ST bKCiTRnT, and the West Kasi. y 11""i"r': Mui 'Ko "ma in addition brought hn, from poinU TOXTrSTE DIVIDEiYD IOLICLES: TinE MISSOTJRI VALLEY LIES INSURANCE COMPANY fa now Inuin. JIHESE Policies can bo registered aa other Policies of the Company. TSSK TP?LFraES combine the thr, rPHE Policy Holders rcrnaimnj. k, ulinro Tontine Sumlu., fecure ull paid Poliei.. avoTago. ' alr"jUld 10 lu'n 'heir money at home, receive only Mil por cent, on tho LEG-AL INTEREST: missouhi,..: A " I coZui:.::.::::::::::::::::: THL"rt umtT f Wos!S InvMlraG"ls U10 Policy Holder appear, in the followie, einl r5. S JS'rcs: 'fho amount of fl.tou, invcatod for Eifty Year, at 6 pe" cent. Uunpound latirost, u Jl8,jai.2i-t 12 por cent, it is .U8,U6S.3. TE?,ST'5'!!'7v,liT,e,,''',c5?,llr',0'!"ni,cd,' I,r9Tlc'! nore, known as the ''ROOKT J-.-?00.?1! JJKiNQH,': o( Salt Lake Oity, whicimbra WW ik T1HE Company h in a flourishing condition, with a rapidly-increasing busineM, ti ATO.MORE SAEE, PRUDENTLY MANAGED, BETTER DIVIDEND PAT-11 PAT-11 ing Life Inauranco Company, e.u,t, iBi 0r West, than the Dliamurl Va. UT, v,IiiCJ i, commended lo tl,, eili.ena of Salt iako City and .urroundiu country lor its patronage. . SAMl'I'L 4. SARGENT, Agent, c . . i Salt Lake City, June 21, 1S78 . i : Second door north of Walker" Houae. i Z. C. Ml.. 8TOVES, ETC. S T O 7- IE S , i c m. i. liiiocERv am) iiiRfiwiRE mmxmm ! " : i'l I Monitor, Charter Oak ITEW EE,. .2STJD J-.OrjTj'.COOSl CLAWSON, Superintendent . WACONS. CARRIACES AND BUCCIES.i ! t f t ;1 i'"- S m I'ACTORI ESTAIi.I811EI) 1S5S. , FI.KST WAGON DEPOT SOUTH OF THE THEATRE; . AlQ Repository for Concord Carriages & Buggies IVSGDN ,'IATERiSL IN URGE ASSQRTBiEST. Z C, M. I. soli the Bain Wagon at Ogden and Logan, Vt . THE BAIN WAOO.N is K-.utHAsnsD ros osi Yr I mwEO tin noewmuy rciiira at place 0f'B.,ic l'" ; yjlS 9RBREB K0BB-' ' J |