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Show THE TKUKITOKICN. j 'ni.-f m sells at five to eight cents 1 a pnuntl in Helena, Mou. Tccuma is making her sidewalk.- of .-aw-dust. It will be a softer bud for dead drunks than asphalt um. A buy about four year? old, :i0 1 of 1 Orchard of Fiacrrvi'lle, Idaho, w.i : run over last wi ck by a wagon and 1 badly bruised. fxuuo rnterpriing, nn.-i nipii-loiis nipii-loiis virties. in Denver, Col., manage to paiiu oil' 1 k v-'tis silver bricks to un--uiecting overland travelers. ' ( ilymjiia girH of twelve years of age and uiiili r r-nme of them arepre-paring arepre-paring fur wi t weat'ier. A half mile walk on stilts two feet high id no feat -,Tt tvit. u,r ulC:n. X Wa-hiiigWi Ternt-jry p o" i' , trikc a noP of U,c tinn-s in ibis f,i.-l,i.n: '"!' irm. r- t-llim: t'neir wlicat f,.r fi,;-y ., ls :y Lu!..- ami ci unity ol'.lcers ji iid at The rai" of j -::,oo,) n year. ( ur I ,e, i-Iati S ,1. u -i.nid have a v.-le f! ti.anks." The rni;ii!' : -. i ; t h"-burg, lt!..;tn, ; has paid well li:is Se.1011, Klior than I la retoi'ore. and tiic eani is g-'xl for I Tu.mv ve.ir.-. 'JTs nre are r.uii'.Tt ill.- '. I icds of.juart Wiu- .l-velop,-vl ami 1 'Hie vr rv rii.ii. C-iIoiiel Mtnop ta-1 ta-1 s;.'.d th- Co;:;,, r t-parlies in ait I.UKe T:.e :i!u.' I";- 1 ia wi... n-.M.iV wuit lo W.hingt'-ii, r-:upil ia-'t ci k to iia ir n..-" :".ai i'.'ii 1:1 ;"'iL'.ar!. j Vi"::.;r. t.ie l.iei week a urre U'.:n,U: |