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Show THE' RAILROAD IN UTAH. 1'uder thin heading the Omaha I If raid has these remarks to oiler : The coinpVlioii of Hie Utnli Southern Kiiilroiij to l'rovo was ninde a mutter of formal public njuiiing in Hint cily on Tu--luy lnl. Tin- Somh.-ni is u.orely an extrusion of ll io N.Tllii'rn Cerilnil, ninl Imth iiro fruits of tlio public spirit, enler-prisn enler-prisn and energy of reprc-nilutivt! Mur-mons Mur-mons Jikc Jirif;liiiiji Young;, Ucnrpn j. Smith, T.Uhop Sharp, W. II. Ib-oper, and "William Jonning-. Tin; railroads in I tuh will pruvit a "i-(.;it aid lo agricultural and other in'brArk by their euciiiie.-i have such a fcnnck of orjraui.inK- They mean increa.-ed wealth and power lo the people of the Territory. Lo the C!-l, find Lu the Nation. They w ill hasten silver production mid iwereasc all values in Utnli, a.- tln.'-o eivili.in en-yitie- do everywhere. They will render Tnlyganiy a Ihinp: of the paL in Hi years if Lhe meddling uf paternalism in Washington Wash-ington will May lhe hands of those who persecute thc;u people into rebutment. lint the railroads in (.'lab will do more. Tl v ill hurry forward the day when Ne-braika Ne-braika -oil will be more valuable than that uf any otln-r Stale by furnishing markets mar-kets for our surplus gram and other pro-pacts, pro-pacts, and lis eiieap and swift means of transporting them lo the markets uf the West as we now hne for Imiir toiling themlo tho.-c of the T.ast. "ur id this nil. Tln-y will prove invaluable feeders l;i the only contiauiitnl railway whii-h r 1 1 i country will see in twenty yenrs, and by iin'rea?ing jto vohnue of trullic, v iJ :-o increase in-crease ils earnings as to enable it lo save in enormous s-ums by tije rcduclioli of rales on thosestaples which it is to be our future busines- to buy of and rdl tu the people of L'tah. |