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Show IXKLIXGS. MolLo lor the winter of 1S7.J-1. i can't ullbnl it," An Indinn p.irson l:tcy tlclivuml n settnon in rliyine. A mm can tantird U-iitiK-r li;-K'itii''! li;-K'itii''! a fnolholil in nnavly evt.rv country in Kumpe. i Tl lias m.st 10,000.00(1 in casli and nuaJinrnlml and thirty-six lives to lorc the Hoosac tunnel. Liverpool, Kn l:md. hns resolved lo introduce, the Fmehel Kinder ti.ivtcn H3'stem into its primary schools. The next. MViyor of Boplon solrnin-ized solrnin-ized his "silver" wnlding hist wreit. And yet Ji'iehiiitltion was nut present. pres-ent. Caleh Cnsliini: will he seventy-four years old in .(miliary. lie knows more than :iny other man "of Ins age." Charles Suiinior'a walks (I.iiltIi the streets of Boston are said to lie a continuous ovation. I-Veryboily him in to drink. "I rotectcd Viscera, " is the new name for patent insides. Western publishers are in a iair way to wear out the dictionery. It is. painful to eoutciuplatc the industry in-dustry of a young man who nttempis Lo haul on a pair of tight bootd, and splits a 70 dress coaL in doing so. T!ic hartl times also allocLs the Indians. In-dians. One horse will now purchase twojpaehc women, and the owner of tlie woman will throw in a dog or two rather tlmn spoil a trade. The rallying cry in Kansas, upon which newspapers of divers views are unanimous itt: "Let no mun be elected to o.Tif wi. u.vs ov.it. llvo jeiire' si iT isc rip t ion to a local newspaper. news-paper. ' 1 Mrs. Stuart, of La Crosse, didn't have any appetite, and Mr. Stuart attempted at-tempted to crowd a turnip down her throat. His philanthropic motives were misunderstood, and he went to jail for six months. A young married man at Brattlc-hro.'Vt., Brattlc-hro.'Vt., concluding that- rum has killed thousands, poured 12 gallons of prime brandy into the river, and, with a lawyer as a witness and up-rolled up-rolled eyeballs, swore Oil for ever. An agreeable and versatile Iowa "local" says: "Cftlar river is in a languishing condition. H is very- low and confined to its bed. The catfish get aground, and have to be helped off the sand bars by the good-natured boys." Horse races have liithcilo formed part of the carnival at Homo, at which the horses carried no riders, . but the animnls wm-p nrwd to Hir.ii- , but the animals were urged to their utmost speed by the explosion of fireworks fire-works fastened to them. These races are in future to be abolished. The .valuable cow known as the First pitchers of Oneida, bought by the Kigbt Hon. Lord Slcclmersdalo for $30,600, at the celebrated sale of the New York Mills herd inTTtica, in September last, has reached Livcr-dooI Livcr-dooI in safety. Tho l-'irst Duchess of Oneida h;is a cow calf at her side. A story comes from India equalling in horror the most learful l'ablc of Grecian mythology. A woman at Gheyepoor, Imvinj; cut her infant stepson in pieces, roasted the remains, re-mains, and served them for her husbands hus-bands sup.icr. Jlc discovered a finger fing-er in the dish, and delivered his wife to the custody of the police. A nice question of taste: Jeweller Vr hat kind of a chain would you. like? Voiing man Well, I dou't : know, hardly. What kind of a chain would you think I ought to have; that is, what style would you think would be the most becoming for a young man what carries groceries to some of tho best families In town y 1 1 Jrn crt' U!l'0f C0UPle. rocont-court rocont-court room together, chatting about their separation, wlicn the old ladv Hllddenlv. MS if Imvin.' fm-imtfnn unmA- thing, said, "i say, old man, can't you treat to tho beer?" "Of course, " answered the liberated lord of creation, crea-tion, and oil' they jogged together, to wash away the memory of the past in a glass of lager beer. 5Ir.FrancisS.Salutus,ofrhiladelphia has published a .volume of poems. Here j one ot the sentimental verses: My bride can love, but uan b utrnv Tho day whon not carcssod, A caprice fills hor broatt: I riBver doubted, yet I sny. Lot woman's lovo bo ivliiiL it may, 1 lovo ruy dng tho best." |