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Show Wlo'd Believe It ? Strangers can hardly believe that the Bingham Canon Kailroad, sixteen miles in length, was built at a cost of $141 a mile. It is tlie cheapest railroad rail-road ever built in any country, and demons trafes the fact that the great ' mineral resources of Utah can be developed de-veloped in an extraordinary short time, by reason of our ability to build railroads at a cost but liltlo alwve that of any ordinary wagon road. Tribune . . To basuie. And that's just like all your other gassy yarns. You go of)" half cocked regularly three times a day. Possibly you were "not on oath" when the above was penned. A railroad costing SI il to the mile ia indeed ' wonderful, and "demonstrates "demon-strates the fact that the great mineral resources of Utah can bo developed in an extraordinary short time by reason ototu- ability to build rai!ronds, j etc., ctv." Heaven nave the mark ! durability, and our mines, and our nulroads, and our Territory! Good Lord deliver tisl |