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Show By Desorct lYWruph ST. GEORGE. Snow Freeing Schools Accident. Acci-dent. (Sfeciut tu (ho Hi Rti.n.) SL. Ccorgc, I . Snow commenced falling laat night and continues this morning. There arc live inches of the "beautiful" on the ground, and children are wild with excitement. The hills echo with shouts nf delight. Cuters, "pungo" sleighs, and sleds, improvised for the occasion, aicseen in every direction. The schools were given a holiday, and steady habits have given way'to recreative pleasures of a kind nut common in this city. This morning the mercury was. down lo freezing point. Twenty-Jive Indians were .,n. ,w, tI n in a cave near here. tbi Monday morning the Normal School i.pcned here, and wa.s well b nded. There ;uv teVCll Well eon-diicled eon-diicled .ehools in Ibis; cily. luiinueyA- l.uud'o new planing mill commenced running on V. - dnesjav. lb K. lsey had liis arm broken" in -lci'.i jilaies reecntlv, - Wz'uv m"u- machinery at Adam.-, mil,-. |