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Show I v.-r.M --'.!; :vl. Oc.v.eJI i, Motliiiig if not ;ni-.. .iiii'- j-o.-ta! en-t'.-priscs. .lied- vt. hitn.-il ,;lri nil-..u,y, nil-..u,y, in hi. aiu,u..l jvp..il. lo.ngu-m'-lits and :-I.Mi,li m f;voi ui ; Co.-Lai bauk and a pu;.d telegraph. The spceiou.-m -j of hi-: iv.(., ,nji,.-.LltogLtluT ,nji,.-.LltogLtluT too ;'j'p.'ren(. Willi a delimit de-limit hit year m the l-o.-.tal dipart-meiit dipart-meiit of oer lour milliuns the lmuu-try lmuu-try is not anxio'i: to add ait army uf f.tpcriut(.udcnL-, clerks, ui'er.'.tors. UR'tsOugeri and repaiier.: to its list oi government employes, and to inerev-e theannurd expenditure aiul deticif. " Ecouumy in jaiblie a!!,ii: ti;c les-M.-n so emp!ia:iei!Iy enforced during the past few mo::th;. and ;itvuii--binxbns brought upuu the pi ople by new and hungry hcrde. of olfiee-holders olfiee-holders are not;-t'.p.1 in the diiLetioii of rclbnn. Tj.. m:--h i:m .tjhuliiI iit'iiets the nation c:K-ii;.di alr..:dv. Ivathor thrui incrca.--c the .iillietiun, the iu;vc of jialilic servant? should be ivdacjd at lead a third and t)iUce that remain be repiircd tu do a linlv healthful labor. Tii timv ha- r.A irrivcd for aid mjUing any '-JU-y nuvclticj. With an annual iiiteiv.-L of many jjullii'i;, accruing upon 'bo I-uImc debt already, (here l iv desire I i.h inclination, to add U ion. to bvo-l; lernal evpenm- nh iu klci-rapiiy, w I ! lo-L ollicc banking. 'T |