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Show luc 1 i - ''. 'J-'j'.i ..-ays the leading merchants ul Havana held a niceling this morning to provide f,,r the purchase pur-chase and the arming of a number of fast steamers aa cruisers, in case of u war with the I'nitcd Stales. The :-auie p;ipnr .-a;.;. Colonel Jinienciu. uf tiie J.,t h:;tai!'.n ol volunteer.-, lias ollered ( arm oix :,e,i-goiug steamers out of his uwn mean ; nncl the merchants mer-chants of Cicnt'ucgo.-, have ordered the luircliaseof two line steamei's abroad !") war service. Pat'-r information inciea... s lhe mmd'cr unlen.d. It is repnitid tli.il.-ev-r.il nr-w battalions of volunteer.-; 'will be . n-a ni.cd immediately, imme-diately, ami the Catholic Society pro-pus's pro-pus's lu org mi a- a sanitary ballahuu Tii- I'.w declares that Salor, the colonial col-onial minister, has forwarded his resignation re-signation lo Malrid; iinit Captain-General Captain-General SovclL-r telegraphed his re d'gnaliun twice; that the Cuvernur-has Cuvernur-has also handtd m his resignation; and that until to-n:gb( no answer to Odor's telegram was received. The authorities 1;uc srlH IV ..lbJ(. l0 Madrid, long extract from the manifest., mani-fest., they hud eh-iiwn up in the J'iV-7'"ti' J'iV-7'"ti' case. |