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Show LATEST DESPATCHES "ASTERN. shiir lon, b--The umin:dion of A-i''V-us, ascbiel justice, was to-da " to the committee ou-indicia:y, but no further actum wa- l,kc, no Ibc -suhiectii. the exe-entivse.sVio,,. exe-entivse.sVio,,. It is stated that I be Pi-e .dent, from the beginning, m-de ui bis mind not Ui appoint a successor succes-sor t.. Cliief Justice Cha.sc Irom the Supreme 'oint bench, and that lit: did tender lhe appointment to Senator Colliding, who declined it. He then wished to appoint Caleb Cuslnng. and retain Attorney Ceneral M"ilhams in tlx- C.ibinei until near the expiration of the presidential term. le calculated calcu-lated licit hv tb it lime Cushing would retire w re:-c.n nf l is age, ami in that event be would appoint il-liams. il-liams. The propostd appointment oi Cushing not being considered expedient expedi-ent by L'.'.c Cabinet, hastened the I President's jmrpose to appoint W d-iianis. |