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Show CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. Washington, 4. In the Senate, Ferry advocated at length his plan for remedying the prsscnt financial evils, and in conclusion asked that it be referred re-ferred to the committee on finance when appointed. The Senate then elected standing committees as follows fol-lows : Privileges and election, Morton, Mor-ton, chairman, Carpenter, Logan, Anthony, Ab;orn, Mitchell, Sumner, Hamilton, M. D. Saulsbury; forcigu relations, Cameron, Morton, Hamilton, Hamil-ton, Howe, Frelinghuysen, Conkling, Shurz, Stockton, McCrcery; finance, Sherman, Morrill, V. T. .Scott, Wright, Ferry, Michigan, Fcnton, Bayard ; appropriations, M orri 11, Maine, Spraguc, Windom, West, Ames, Sargeant, Allison, Stevenson, Steven-son, Davis; commerce, Chandler, Spencer, Conkling, Buckingham, Bout-well, Gooden, Dennis; manufac ture, Kobertson, Sprague, Gilbert, Fcnton, Stockton; agriculture, Frelinghuysen, Fre-linghuysen, Robertson, Lewis, Dennis, Den-nis, Gurdoii; military alliiirs, Logan, Cameron, Spencer, Clayton, V'ad-Icigh, V'ad-Icigh, Kelly, Ransom; naval affairs, Cragin, Anthony, Morrill, Me., Sargeant, Sar-geant, Conovcr, Stockton, .Norwood: judiciary, Edmunds, Conkling, Carpenter, Car-penter, I'relinghuyaen, Wr'ght,Thur-man, Wr'ght,Thur-man, Stevenson; post offices and post roads, Ramsey, Hamlin, Ferry, Mich., Flanagan, Dorsey, Junes,' Saulsbury, Merriman, Hamilton, Mo.; public lands t Sitra-meLWinibjpijSl nai Prnl.t , Tipton; private land claims, Thur- j man, Ferry, Conn., Feiitou, Bayard, 1 Bogy; Indian affairs, Buckingham, Allison, Oglesby, Morrill, Me., Jug-all.-;, lJngy.?tIcCrcery; pensions, Pratt, Ferry, Conn.j Oglesby,' lngalls, lfat-tcrsou, lfat-tcrsou, Hamilton, Texas, .Norwood: claims. Scott, Pratt, Boreman, Wright", Mitchell, Boutwell, Davis, Merrjman, Goldlhwailc, D. C., Lewis, Spencer, Hitchcock, Robertson, Jones, Dorsey, Dor-sey, Johnston; public buildings and grounds, Morrill, Gilbert, Cameron, Stockton, Cooper. Territories, Bore-man, Bore-man, Hitchcock, Oraghip Clayton, Patterson, Cooper, MeCrecry; rad-roads, rad-roads, Stewart, Scott, West, Ramsay, Hitchcock, Cragin, Howe, Fcftqg-huysen, Fcftqg-huysen, Hamilton, Texas, Ransom, Kclley; mines and mining, Hamlin, Chandler, Sargeant, Crosier, Tipton, Goldthwaite; revision of laws ol the United States, Conkling, Carpenter, Stewart, Alcorn, Ransom; education and labor, Flanagan, Patterson, Jn-gaiis, Jn-gaiis, Sumner, Morton, Bogy, Gor-. don; civil service and retrenchment, Wright, Boutwell, Sherman, Hamlin, Ham-lin, Howe, Hamlin, Md., McCrcery. The composition of the minor com-mitsees com-mitsees is not materially changed. On motion of Morton the credentials of Pinchbeck and McMillan, as senators sen-ators from Louisiana, were referaed to the committee on elections, and after a short executive session Son ate adjournal till Monday. - 1 1 1 oust:. In the House a large number of bills were introduced, including a bill by Leach to restore the franking privilege; priv-ilege; one by Hunter authorizing the Secretary of the treasury to put in circulation the balance of the forty-four forty-four millions reserve by purchasing bonds therewith; and by Wilson declaring de-claring that tho true intc-nl aud meaning mean-ing of tlie Pacific railroad acts it prohibits pro-hibits approval by President or any department of maps presented by the Central Branch of the Union Pacific railroad company for. an extension of thai company from its present Western Wes-tern terminus to the bundreth meridian. me-ridian. The object is to prevent the company from procuring a subsidy of lands and lionds lor a distance of about lijn miles. It declares that under existing legislaiircx'onipajiy has no right Lo the subsidies sought lo"be procured by the approval of tlie ma is. Kendall ollered a bill to require re-quire uniform charges on railroads and prevent unjust discrimination. A number of propositions to amend the rules of the I louse were made and referral re-ferral to the committee on rules. Kellogg ol feral a resolution directing the special committee on salaries to investigate the actual amount paid to members at the la.st Congress for salaries. sal-aries. mileaL'O. stationer- and other allowances; referred to a special committee. com-mittee. The Speaker announced the special committee as follows: Hale, (Maine) Maynard, Kasson, Scolield, Hale, (New" York) "iblock, and Jewell. The Hou-'e then adjournal, tho Speaker dating that lie would announce an-nounce the standing committees, tomorrow. |