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Show I'ACIFIC COAST SEWS ( il.U O It X I A . I t'.llilnnii:l riCltld liKiiulc.-;jicuilin to ni:irkt:t this ymr. S:ilitiiis city was lighted with pi.s furihe ttrst tine, hi at iSutunlay niijht. Harrison, ( hirk, a prniniMiig young lawyer of Sun Francisco dietl Xovenihrr iiUtli. CluKs. Croeker and wife sailed for ChiiiiV and Japan Monday, on Lhc dteailHT fi't'K ' f !(' If. Andrew Ii. McGeery ofSan Francisco Fran-cisco who was a ptissenci" on the lost steamer J'-W: tie JAwrc was saveil. Alameda Hals are well salted, 16,-1100 16,-1100 tons oi" salt having been collected collect-ed during the past year iii the Kilt marshes in th;.t city. Incendiaries nre still busy in Gil-roy. Gil-roy. Last W'clncsday they set lire to and burned the barn of L. H. Dy-1 er. At aljout. tho same time, the Idaho IIollsc was set on lire, but this lire tlic pioiirietor and inmates ol" the house managed to extinguish before much l;iina-je was done. -During the mouth of November the. ti.ui FraneWo police made 1,0156 arrests. Of LlicSTVii-Hr wtno Ju - saultand battery, 1-1 for assault with deadly weapons, -i-Sti lor drunkermess, 1'2 for gran'1- larceny, 47 for petit larceny, 2 for vagrancy. One hundred hun-dred and filly persons obtained lodgings lodg-ings in the city prison. Dr. Wood, tho veterinarian, lias, lanced "True- Blue's" leg ami expresses ex-presses strong hopes of his full recovery. recov-ery. I A Mrs. Sj. "Connelly, living eight i miles southwest of Bantas, while rid- j ing on horseback lo Ellis Cut, was, thrown front her horse and killed. I NEVADA Twenty miles of the I'.ilisade and Eureka railroad will be in operation within fifteen days. About ubiety car-loads of ore arc shipped daily oer the Virginia and Truekce railroyl to the various mills in the vicinity ef Gold Hill. D. M. Hall convicted of the murder mur-der of John-Copeland nh'ns Black Jack, was executed at Belmont, Xcv. on the liSth of last month. He acknowledged ac-knowledged ttic justness nf the sen tence. The Sutro Tunnel Company have just completer at the mouth of the tunnel a nev building, 30 liy SO feet in sixe whidi is to be used as a storehouse. store-house. The superintendent of the Carson mint received on Monday 700 pounds of mixed bullion, gold and silver, sent in for coinage. A young jvm named Laurence Tuliock was arrested in Virginia city, November P'.Jth, for forgery, he having signed tho name of Horatio A. Hobbs and thus obtained possession posses-sion of a registered letter containing -0 in currency. A party of Piu tes m Virginia city, male and female, recently took possession pos-session of the steps in I rant of the Presbyterian church, and played Micron a spirited game of" 'seven up". It doubtless struck them as a nice, quiet place for a "little game." Winncmucca, New, says the istcr came lrG&r having a first-class sensation the other day. A young married woman of this place was about to clojie with a gay Lolhairo. Her wardrobe was ail packed and the train about due, when sud-denly.herbettf sud-denly.herbettf r halfput in an appearance appear-ance W'th y .volvrr, and the wliolel notice. ' O IE EG OX. A Denton county man has dried V'OO pounds of apples and 700 pounds of plums this Fall. Tne editor oftlic Albany Jhyisa-saw Jhyisa-saw a man carrying two sacks containing con-taining Sio,000, and did not slop liiin. The editor had no shot-gun. About forty specimens of very fine apples were received from Oregon a few weeks ago at the Agricultural :i;:eau at Washington city. The Albany market is reported ; iuiet; turkeys in demand; eggs anx-i iously sought after; good butler next lo impossible 'to obtain. A splendid chance for & dairy. AVm. Foe, of Linn county, arrested arres-ted latt week, charged with incest, is .sud to be father of nine children. He sajs he will make no defense bo-foi'c bo-foi'c tho court for the crime. A mineral spring, near Yoncalla, Douglas county, is attracting great attention, as several persons have tried the effects of using the waters with marked favorable results on heat iii. AIhmiI all the Fall trrain in Marion -iHjiu an uic ran grain in Aianon county is now sown, and it is coming up evenly and well. There is a large average sown. One thing is observable. observ-able. Hie ! plows are set very deeply and much "pay-dirt" is tuructl up, whii'h, assimilating with surface soil, will pio.lucc hciivy crops next year. |