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Show Tlie Centennial Tea Parly. The patriotic tea party, proposed in Salt Lake upon the anniversary of the little affair in Boston harbor iu 177o, will have to he adjourned until December De-cember loth. Kcxt Saturday was the a day or two there has been consider- j able doubt as the exact date of the Boston occurrence, and yesterday tliis doubt culminated in a thorough investigation into the merit-; of the case. Eastern papers had repeatedly announced that December 0th was the anniversary, and that Boston, the Eastern Hub, proposed to commemorate commem-orate upon that day; but then Philadelphia Phila-delphia advertised that she would celebrate cel-ebrate on the 10th, and the query at once arose, didn't Philadelphia know as much about the devolution and the preliminary steps thereto as Boston? Wasn't Philadelphia there'.' Of course under the circumstances it became incumbent upon Salt Lake, the Western Hub, to act advisedly ad-visedly in the premises. The , examination of authorities, therefore being called for, and the question having been referred to the Herald i we report . First, Thomas H. Trescott's English Eng-lish and German Encyclopedia gives the date at Oct, 21st, 1778; but then evidently Thomas was no relative of William the great historian, and Tlionnis is undoubtedly wrong. One Kobbins, who pretends to give out- j lines of American history, says Dee. j J'Uh ; evidently too much out-linc. Wilson gives tho dale as J c. N; (Juaekcnbush says Dec. lb; llildrdh says Dec. lbth; Carpenter says Dec. Ibth; and Pitkin says the middle of December. This gives the weight of evidence for a week from next Tuesday Tues-day as the proper day; and finally Bcnj, l.ossiug, a decided authority, rsclll' s the mailer in thcc wonU: Blind as Ljrd North who iulro- luced tlie slam) act, tlie K.i.t India Tea Company regarded the American mftrkd now open lor tea, and Soon AtiiT the pas.-.tgr of the bill, several sl.ipj 1. tden Willi tea were oil their way acivisu- tbe Atlantic. At B.jtoii, "ilie attempts to land tiii-le.i tiii-le.i in d'ji.iui'c eif puhhV opiinvu, rc-.-i;lud iu t::e di-tnution ul a larqe jil.uiLlv oi it. On a ':: luoOilhiit in-iit, Dec. l'Uh, 1773, at Ihe ci-e of the 1-i-t of several p!ritol meeting- at F.ncuil Had, a p.mv of aN'Ml -i.:y prrns. mine ih- -:ii.-t'.l a- I. i'l;. m-. iMii"d on h...ird Iwn ves- iu the hap-T. laden wit': t. a. 1 tore ep.u the In; .!)-, and in i;.- j onr-e of Uo horn's tiino iiun.ij-.il j and k-rty-tu-.i cikvt- cnl, lining l-:c j prescribed article were b:vk- u ir.:ii, j and liicir io:.P. ntc ce- im... :i.mv.U. i . : i.u. e-,, nt pr.-heed a i-..-U'd v n- .-.Upi thr.'iig: '..ul the Pii-.-ii r. .d'ji. i i- :CW !ul t-;a OJ!.: - :i i.e. - I1--' . b ih. |