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Show Miscellaneous, Berlin, I. The Cologne Gazrlr insists in-sists that the report that Montnuflel fought a duel is true, but says his op-poiicnt op-poiicnt wna Count Groubcn, an aid-de-camp of tho J,mporor, and not GaelitJjaabcforc staled. Paris, 4. A eon-of Duke Dc Mont-penceir Mont-penceir is dead. In the Assembly, to-day, amotion introduced by the Left to insure the government for continuing in state of siege, was voted down oy 407 noes to '273 ayes. Rome, 4. The Italian press generally gener-ally praise the Message of President Grant for its moderation. Vienna, 4. The Minister of Commerce Com-merce has decided not to demolish the exhibition buiidine, but to keep it for public use. W. H. CH1SHOLM & CO., UduT White ,t Mi-Oornick's Jionk.i Ol'OCKS BOUGHT AND SOLO AKJ tou;ht aid sold. u 4 DR. A. B. SPINNEY ri 'ipritior oj the Celebrate SpiDisyvilleMrinarj Ami well known tliniii out us l-'uiinili'i' ol till! .11 OMR Vi EillCH .INSTITUTE, rom.n most respkotfullt an- V nouncoto the nflliotnd of SALT I.AKK Cily and vir.iuil that ho baa yilded to ur-Kont ur-Kont duuinnds ui'on hiui for iirofcsioual anr-vi-efl. ana consented to renin in nt tlio Tinvnscnd lloimo until Dooembor 7, tl.un wiving invalids an ciniorlunliy of rililinK tbonifolvo, throuBh hia orofoHMional nconcy,ni hw h ciTiatituiiooal oniioyanoi'and ailmcnla an ho claim.-, to oonnafS and to oiirq. Without 011- ierinn into biej-niiibio details, it is nuflioiont to siinnly itoniuIl uto Iho liiot that Dr.Siinnoj rn onrliost rointaliou may bo traced ba"kto.his inauguration and conduct of tho Montreal (Ciinmla East) Medical Instttnto, and aa tho roiuio of IboEniilish Pharmacutical CoIIoros, b uRi-d hv uu oluvatod stuudard, an extended extend-ed oxperiunco of over twenty y-ars, and an as-idii'ius as-idii'ius study o! tho varied phason of Disoano, onnblo him to nuarantoo a-surancos of Huccms iu iho eradication ol tho multiform ohronio af-I'cutiuDd af-I'cutiuDd imidout tj buthaosua IN NKUVOUS DEBILITY, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, YOUTHFUL EXCESSES, MARRIAGE I MrEDIMENTS, LUNG. AND GENERA I'ULMOAKY AFFECTIONS, ihrouih tho rnidinni of tho TtwnirotDotor. nn eftnetivo ii'joncy for tho detection of llm faint-osr. faint-osr. rosomblancos of Internal JJronchial troubles. trou-bles. HtiuiiiiiHtisiu, Neuralgia, ricrofuromrlo-.. voloiiuionts, Paralytio lirouliviiios. ordinary or aKKtavntud, Uutarrha. ilopuLio disou-tw, Uravoious jrf-jis, liouiorrhoidH,Dr; Kvv "'"Oi and iimnujwTfflt ocily to Kivo tuiuiorary roller, but by proDtnic. with tlio auxiliary holji of a tbornKli and soarchia di-acnonie. di-acnonie. tho vory (oriu of tho malady, ultimately ulti-mately to annihilate tho aood.and iaun jirovout a future oiit-uropMQK. TO THE LADIES. Dr. Si'innoy.whilo naturally inprossod with the delicacy of thoBabjeot, fools no dolicucy in assuring thorn thut.in conjunction with a competent com-petent knowlodKeof thoir Bull wrings, Bucb aa f orvousnosa, X ournigia, Spinal Woaknees, Losa ot Aipotito, La.s,ntudo, I'rolapsiiB Uto'i, Kotroversiona, or Displacomont of tho Womb, Vacinal IrroKularitios.Louohorrea.DyapopBia, Indineation. Constipation, and tho many potty irritating distractions that almost invariably havothmr origin in tho utoriau region, allord thorn imiucdiato reliof. Scorning (ho tricks of charlatanB, Dr. Spinney Spin-ney onLv udUa ONE LNTEKVIEW. and thon throws dovrn the gauntlet to a d jssat-iatied jssat-iatied patient. Mrt'onaultation Booms at tho Tow.vhkkd HorsK, hoom 17, noar La. lira' Knlrance, Ouice hours 0 to 1, 2 tu 0, and 7 toil. CONSULTATION FREE. YOUNG MEN Who may bo sufforinft fromttho effocta of youthful youth-ful foil 10a or indit-crutioo, will do well to avail thomsolvoB of this, tbegroatoat boon over laid at thoaiiar ot BuHerina humanity. Br. Spinney will Guarantee to Forfeit For-feit Five liuudred Dollars For ovory easa of sominnl woaknoss.or private disu-asu of any kind or cluirautor, which ho un-durtakoaBd un-durtakoaBd tails to euro. II 0 would, therefore, there-fore, say to tho unfortunate nulToror who may mad this Dotice, 1 hat yon uro troadini uirnn dangerous ground when you longer delay in Booking thu proper remedy for your com pluiot. You may bo in th-i tirt"lij,'e, rcmonibor you are anpioitihiug tho lajt- Ifyouaro bordur-inc bordur-inc on tho last, an 1 ar.jsufTjriiit; doinoor nil of its olloctii, romomhor that if you obstinaloly persistin iirocroHtination, tho timo aiuutoomo when the mo-t fkilltul iihjMician can rondor you no'asHinanco; when the door of hope will beolood aBiiin-Ht joj; when no angol 01 moroy can bring yourolief. In no cade has tho Doctor Doc-tor tailed ol siici:uss. Then lot no despair work itoll upon your imairin.iriaQ, but avail your-hoI your-hoI I of tho bonoticial loulli of hid treatment boforo your ctwo is byond tho roarh of mod i-c-l skill, or before until doatli harrioH you to a prematura grave. Middle Aged Men! Thcro nronmnyoF heagoofoOto 80 who ore often troubled with too lruNnut ovacuaLinus of tho hladdor, accomiiuniod by a slight smarting' smart-ing' or burning aonsmion, and woakemng tho sytitem in u uaiiuoriha puiiontcaDnutacoiiuni for; on examining tho urinary deposits aropy 1 , sediment will u, toe bo found, and hnnioonius fiii all itarticlos of al bunion will aiipoar, or tho color bo ot'a thin and miliiih hue, U(aia ohanging in a dark and torpid appoarauco. '1 heto aro many moil who dio of this dilliculty. ignorant ul iho enuao, which in tho sooonu Stae ufstinioal weakness. Ur. S. will guap nntoo n ponectouro in all such caeai, and a he "thy rosloration oi tho (isnito-uriuaiy or- JfSfia- . .. 1 Dr. Spiiinoy's CEI.EPl'.ATED M1VJBHAL SPIUNuci lflRMrtKV islucatodat bpin-noyvi'lo, bpin-noyvi'lo, Ioh, ti niilcs bolow IMvunport. Uutv-iuofls Uutv-iuofls in connection with tho Infirmary. ii6 Perry ptroot, Davenport, Iowa. Irr. M. 0-Afoo Hosidont Phyaioiun. noli HKl'UHLlilll-D 111' 0K1ER OX THE CITY COUNCIL. ' AN" ORDINANCE 1 I'or tiL Pixcnli-jii ff i 'ires. kc. 1. H.. il, or. hi Iiu;. L- tlio City LVnncil of Liro;,t Suit Lki; ('ity; that no ja.'rsun ,-hiil I ot oil' uny Jirv works ; k-1 liny sluvc, furnace or other appnnilns in nliicli lire is to be kupl: or .;urry fire in Uic -trocts without ob-crvint; Uic followiiiR rcj-uliitioiis, under pcnnllj' of not I - s tlmn uiiu nor inoru tlmu one hundred dollars for cue 1 1 olh'iicc. Si-, li. No person shall U nllowrd williin Hip liinii-of ihy City to di?clinr-;u or otf any rocki:t, s,iiib, cntckcr or other lircworks wilhotn llu- consent of tlie Mayor, sjj.'citying tin.' time when and tlie 1 1 luce where Hie same m:iy he done. Ski . :i. No .stove or other apparatus in Wliivli lire is lo lie kc.t shall v 6tit UtJttrcr llnui eijht inches from the tloor, eiccit ui h as have im fireplace on tho lower plate, such can be set within four indies of the lloor on which they stand ; and the lopHnd sideplnles. Ihereol'shall not bo set nearer than twelve inches oil" any wood partition, urother woodwork, without pro-ti-eling lhe same etleclually Irom fire by a metallic or oilier coveriiiff ; and no pipe bcloiif-in-,' iberelo shall be put up unless it be coiitliil'jd into ft cbiuuiwv made of brick, stone, or other iiicoinbiisliblc material, ma-terial, or if pii-iiifr ilirouKh lhe wuidwork or rool' of a biiikiin, ihere shall be a I --pace of not le than four inches between the pipe and the wood, and lhe pipn shall be kept from iiuinvr conliu-t with lhe wood by sonic sate material, and shall project pro-ject tour feel above or beyond tho roof or wood work. J'rondvd, lhe Mover or any Alderman .-luill deem the above lo lie c.ually sitl'e, Ibeii to be certified imder his liand. SKr. -f. o person bnll he nllowcl to carry or ; cause lo be carried in any trccl, thoroiiKblare or lot of this city any burn-ing burn-ing coals, or brand of lire, unless Iho s.uuie be m a covered vct-scl. Sv.r. o Allforge and furnace chimneys or luM.ha l be jnU-d nt least four feel eet fibove lhe iW, .y or Hiroilfrli which I hey pass and'-hall have a deadening fhte or Jiro spark arre,t.-r of woven wirc.placed lJue Uj)' "---s-uvk ehi, v .tl. Ur.:.. rt. 'int)yc, yi mx,,,,,,,,!. oi aiy hoiHe, blioporctliui- building thall cause the Hues or chimiieVa tlnrrryd' lobe -wept oi-burnt oi-burnt out as often as may be re-quired, to keep the same dean. In ca.-e of burniii" out Hue., it. plmll be done in Iho day liiuel and only when the roof mid othu- hur-roundmg hur-roundmg conibnslibli are wet. Anv person sull'ernu: tbe lines of any bouse occupied oc-cupied by bun or her lo become foul and lake lire, or be tired at any other time herein sjiecilied, shall h- liable- to lhe pon-alliea pon-alliea pre.-enbed in the hral cecUoti of this ordinance. rM'-'. 7. Tt hall be the duiv of the T11-spectorof T11-spectorof Jiuildings to i-v.uinilie carefully under the direction of iie (.'ilv C'nim.-il, any cm-e from which iuiinedial- dan-.-' "1 hrc nmy bo apprcli.'nded, and ivtl,ov,- ul-ale, Mlh lhe con-nt of ll,c Uayor any Aldennau (in c.i.-e of nepleci' ,. i cIiiMil of lhe owner -r oecupaul) imr ; -'ii-e Iivm winch dan-j-r may U n,.pr,-liciided, n,.pr,-liciided, and to c.ni.-e ;nl l.i,;i,i;, '1 !)-,. sloc;, pines, lieailh-, nvciu.boil-r.s. ,iHi-iioiim-; aiidtalic-r apiMratu, u-d in any l.uilduv, nith ,, ,L, 'ulinJ iu ,Ul.h condition , I(s t0 becoti,idercd uiisHte, to be wiliiout d-luy, at the. .pHisli oftlieowiUT "rojcuj.anl ihercol. jmi m ;udi coiidilnai not to be dai)KcruiL- 111 titvuinu ur promoting pro-moting J.rv... a ' .'N-c. h. iraiiypL-i-.v-nlialloU-tmctor 1 naci any per on u,H,-r the direction of he In.-p,vlor of JSiuldmg- ai'oiv-akl iu heperb.nmniocofhi, duly, under the pio.vdn,-M-c;i..:i, R!, 1, xu.i f,. vvm. r-u- h ult-iiv- 1d.)1 fniH md pay (,,- p,.q. ally uftMei.ly-livc dollar-. ' i'a-- d January 7ih, m;2. A. O..1? MOOT, 1 , , -Mayor. T"11H..1. ol 1 1-dl, NH l.ak,- Cily. , IU'.- corli!;.-. that l'h.- !' jh., i ni(, y-iy cfilH. Ordi, 1;,, Vlly .in-d ol (oval Suli J.1(,,. -iiv, ny .Hi. 1-.,-, ami now in f..nv, ciliU-l An ;J..l.,.!ui.v j;- tl..- JVevd.ti.-.n ..f e"lld Vi ,v" :,.1,'-1"'!'r' ir",n 11 "; J ''-cords v .oven ui,.I..r.ai..l nn.l the forporfl le "-s) ol Jtc-'-niber, A. J.). l67:j. JiojiKKTCAMl'lUX, City li'-tvi-dcn MUSEUM. NO EXTRA PRICES! ALT, Tic; BihiH, inelmfmi: wild animal ii ill Hooky AIoiintuiDH. cillivuinir lor tho Zoological Zoologi-cal Unrd'i.i of Plnlmleli hia, OU contB. 'lo tha ..Monak'fcriQ on I v -' 0 ma. JOsh-PU JJAKPnoT, d2 M11 mi iter. IjRASrT CANVON COAtT j jnE Di;sr is makkkt, 15 H.. TO XM 'lt TO .V. Learo ordors with W. II. Y I'A II I AN at '-.- 1 Kooso'm toro, and with Cnpt.ll'irt at i"itot, Orders Gllud proui ptly. NEW YORK TRADE. AVjX. M. i-lHCHrS .V. CO.. ironTr.s COMMISSION KERCH?. IS. 47 Broadwjiy, Nkw Yoijc. Jyffl GAS FIXTU It IS S KKW PATrtl'SB, OKIGfNAL DllGStif Artiatically hniahed. Ar;her&, Panooast Miinufact'gCo, NEW VUHK. I L'ii-ll-T LAKH CITY. i'30 BENEDICT, HALL & CO.- Mftnufacltirora and WhoH'SiilcDoolora In HOOTS AND SHOES -l34.Aj.WOn'si-BT.. N EW YORK, THOS. M. ARCALL& Co.. Mon'B, Youths.', Boys' and Cbildrou's At Whoi.t3a lk, m ab 3Ia BROADWAY, Kli'.V YORK K. COVLlM. I Z1 JEHIAL READ & CO.. Manufacturers Jid Wbolcaalo Donlorf in FUIl AXD WOOL HATS (Stiuw Goods, UunitnLLAS, etc., No. 108 BKOADW A Y, IS i-W 0 1 1 It . JO. JIM HDTTI-ft. j TO THE TRADE. Mb tall Cutlery Compj. TRADE 1IAHK.), J. RUSSELL' . CO Ureen River fnrk. Offico, Work" and M'-irehmi sos : TlTtXEK' FALLS, MASSACUUSKri'3, Maoufacturo tho Dawt aud Iaif-oat variotv TABLE CUTLERY lit TH K WOULD. T ioir Hund" BHn noiv ho found upon the Lin Ls of all ." J uhhiiit; liouaoo. j ' I Sauii'Io Uoom: 77 Chuuiboih street, Nty j YOMv. joiy :Jolin Russell Cutlery Coaipanv CHICAGO TRADE. pace, isno. & CO., Importora and Dottier- in LEATHER & PISTDIHSS, "OLD CITY UU1UL COll.N'Eil," "l""-?."! - - CHICAGO, ILLS. W. W.l'ago, Btwton; OrvilloPai-o, 1 , . iuylU O. K. PaKo, fUwn0' .11. K. pEELEE. SiM. LAMPS & LA IBP FIXTURES, i CLASS WARE FBTJIT JASS, i Tho Largost md Fiu-iKl il-.-'k 011 Pib CODtUlUDL. 22 LAKE STiUiEr, ,llUi.GO oi Ni . D. WELLS & CO., Maaufacturera of and Wholesale Dc.lort Boots & Slioe3 626 Wahaeh Avenue. CHICAGO. M. D. WoUs, If. J. Mncfr.rlr.,4, R. Bemsilict. in2-l S P. Alcliitvn. "THE OLD SALAMANDEI." "E3 "M O "V JL. Tan Uwl, Stevenson & Eilr, Wholeaalo ItID PAINT DEALERS. 1 FAVK hEMOVED to their I-.W Sdrn. burn btroot. (n tlio old aito Oltic w ) whor., ,lQ buidio .rooted .S r'iy hi tho bminn, Stoi.m Eloi-tra, ot- ,th.,y ha Bueoiitl Mtoation ,i,m t Torrii,ril bo,i- iyl MININC SUPPLIES. NOTICE. scorr,ai;r;Hl-ji4Co Arothe Acontflin lllnh To.iitr.ry tu !l!''f' l'lck utauiiiod -J. l-.ril,"l-or j. tt riKht. oxtni.' ceuiinu tliroiijth anv o hor loorce ,,., d interior urt lo MM.Ickr.(,it,lwith nn ,,, SLcftkf'""1' "nJ USi Uatod July il, 1:7:. J. WJtl'UiT, riaii t':tl(ioieco. AtMnli.-olnr-In IRON, STEEL, ST0VK3 UN WARE MINNO TOOLS WROUGHT TUi'liRS, l'lro aaa.ll Uindi Fijlnt for Vurnoce.. and l IA rt iVw'a hi;. lll'lUIEt.-'S lu.,:sK AM) .11 , ,B Sii.-j.-j KHANS D'JUL'o, i'.UIi'irilt MUUU.S. Uavo a tro'l-wK'.nted Si,,,,, ,rf fared to Oo uii Kind, i- SHEET IRON kQ TIM WORK Protuidlj- aud at rc t.ieuitldo lute?. ' No. 93 Em Tnjl,,. vr H.m Street Sioi'liEioEdf-i-.s' iH,'ii:sg; A VikJxZ'';. ;!::;- r-ni ("omi.nnv. ivi:i h.i a ,t -li.-.ii.!-". r Iho Do.n.rot .Vutionivl Um,;, Sjiit ) ni e ritv I'Mth, on SnliiiJuy, (huniul,,,',,,- j,ut.L,, IN '. nt II (i1. lock, a. in.. In (hn i.u.-p,, o u olcctuica It uVJ ol lUn-clor- 1m- (ho Vn-nipir e;ir, -i'loT JriR by-law,, Tur lie i " 'i-rniin ', uf hhld ClUtlHUV, I.I.U fUf Iho tr.i,-'. ,!!,' f Mich other lHisiio?3 :is inny tUiuo W-IVie -i. A full uU"mlurro in re lUR.-ti'.i, liy order ol the Ili rii d Pirn-.' -r- THUS. H'.JKaM1; Su.t I"alt LnVo Uily, A' or, -1, lhi;-i. ' ' hil ', A DM I NTslTTRFoT fc "fsoiiuj-: is UKurr-v ;i j,; th at tii f: 1 . ''-.'nher has hoon duly npix-inlct una ' "Ujtioi Ufl the AdmiaiUriit'WO!! tlioo tul-j or JJaniol Cniidy (doc'Jj. ,,,, r... r , 11. bOHULTV. Altii f ity, Sov. foth, l.;7-'K ..uj S ' AND TINWARE STOVES TOVES ! STOVES ! '"'ll'EST IN THE TERRITORY. COOKIXG, FBuSTlIEATIXG ST01O I Great Variety at Wa. K-'L's Siovc ami Tin Slorc, ilain Street, lits Ep. Hunter's Old Residence. uui and v- fcltuaper titan any other hotitjo iu town. A'.I Kinds orTin, IJCoppor Ware ll.inu'ucturcd on the Premises. M AND EXAMINE TUB STOCK." I anlO JcOODS, OAHPETS, ETC. WALRRBROTHERS. jy LL 7--.', ; GREA ATTRACTION. THEILARGESID MOST C0MPLETE1ST0CK IN UTAH pNsirinxa IN PART OF t5 IDIIUSS O-OODS, H O j FURS' a g knit Ids. J- I SHAWLS, I DRESS FLANNELS, I 5 EEUl.TES, CAMELS HAIR CLOTHS, H CO I hg O CLOAKS, I SEAL SACQUJS, HOSIERY, O I C tU EDINCOTE CLOTHS, "g tJ I 'CD I I I IlEPIiljIAIVTS, j p t I M g NOpNS, LACES, etc. . DOTS. SH OES, AND HATS. DUNORD $c sons . Boots and iocs, Hats i Caps, adies'.. Furs... AND GentsGloves. Wiiolec e aiisi Retail Orders from Tow tad Co-aTitry Solicited. HO 1 NATHAN D" & SQHS, ISONASEEBi 'OTDEBS 'All k of to o - fcgents lor GRIKH & WEDQ I'titect Vorti i'ortablo EKCIKES AND AW KILLS ball': ohLngle and ling Machine1. Coue Max wo II Jin icturiiiKi Coinian ' PUMl'ING iMilNEUY. irat Weettroot, noar J .h Tauiplo Sires SALT-LAI. CITY. HATS AND pNNETS. PARIS, UNDON NEW JfORKtASUlONS. The littvt nnd miVifinnnlcUt Slock ol'HILUXEl.-Ylrer oflirwl in thi ttLi;et Temple j Vashion, uintjiBttntr on everv inftv nr stylo it( LAbjj" 3 0 1 HATS AND BCSIteb' Fancy Notion.. Ha' Ornnment t, ' . v thors. Gros Until, nnd tf .aoroU Ri; , b Cnll,.,,i., Khnoj iMl-iiiiTiJKorchnjlB, iMl-iiiiTiJKorchnjlB, llul una Bonn.;, p''ri, Cnint;?, ot& jmiub, Lndios torn ntnlgriais m.olo to orlor tUKcJ J--..M1. J. T.chM J. tont by Mnii. I'rjoo f, LKi- KB. l'liilJi,lhin. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. i."M or. too !!',; .inv't C', "J!-; law i.rovidod, 10 "6 sold aa tbo Ki.lt UV. tr,Kw.n,)fe BJJV PEAR& PEAC! iVrhEES. A ii:.. r r,..i L.j i i :!lo.i ,,. ' i.ml ol,.;-Ji'i',,1 ' .' rot jr ralo 1 T. W. HI.'.lIRricK, - ''4ffM'..S-'hn,7i,. ST. LOUIS TRADE. SI. Louis Paper Warehouse J H. B. QRAHAM t BR0. 113 North Socond Strodt, St. Louis, Mo' pUINTINO PAPEFlofoi-orj- kind. Win X untj iJatior and Patior Uiuja . n"J SUGAR REFINING .Co., ST. L O U:i 3, M O. CDT LOAF, 0UU3U ED, P0 IVDEKED AND GRANULATED SUGAR'S, WHITE AND YELLOW C (J F F el'OillB And SyruiiH of minrior imnllty, coDBlanlly on bund, and sold nt low urioos. l'rioe Liuu lurnisliod. on aoolicatiOD to noo E. Y. WARE. Socrftt.ry. omaha: trade. COOKE & BALL0U, I'ORK PACKEES. - " Dr- IloK,.Boofand Mutton Fnr-I Fnr-I uifiiod, iilso Saiuagto in canJ. , Omalm, Scb. - 0 t ;. jams: c. bqyb, . 1'ork rarker, and 1'iircr oltliolco tugilr tuii'd U:iilis. All kinds ol Smo'-od Me,it3. Lard,, ic, tor aulo at Cliioatto pneo i'acking llonso, S. Chestnut nnd 2nd strcsts, 0.MAI1A, SE1S. " BOSTON TRADE. BUY THE CELEBRATED Hail ui Toili Mstal Tips, MANUFACTURED BY TUB BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY, T A ST. JOIW- . nlD Mm.ir tit- LouiiBW I FOR SALE. ' 1 ilFFn AT A BAIW'lN Jtl'S- II un Fifth J-:.-.t ftr.ot. t.ul. M I-,,, I, Juiok, liw fc.JpS tl'i I liinc u in ,.,rl't order. ?J IM " Rs, kind. Ani.ly on tlio rreini or ii.i.Mlioo. - TIJ0.VAS FITC FOR SALE- oil it 0V A t--cll-ui..t-hc -. JW" " '.'J o, tbo ml It bwr an hm 0 Vj Vs - ' ,' ' I"" '""V; rrnll"-J- . I liosolJntiimm-r Ucai. ont and a- ir ' , ,.o 93i:J.' f ' |