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Show Tlse " VirKiuiiiV Alliiif Stsll I usellled, Havana, 4. Captain General Jo-vclkir Jo-vclkir telegraphed to the Madrid gov-vernment, gov-vernment, to-night, to the following cllcct: The Madrid government peremptorily per-emptorily orders the captain general to deliver up the Viniiuu.s,- General Jovellar respectfully resigns his position, posi-tion, and demands that another person per-son be went to take bis place, who can carry out the order- of government, govern-ment, considering the excited state of public feeling, and the impossibility of overcoming the dilliculties. General Gen-eral Jovellar submits that a manifesto was prepared for delay, during which an opportunity would be given for reflection, re-flection, and time would be gained to allay the fierce patriotic spirit of the great national party in Cuba; but tire strong orders from Madrid to be excelled excell-ed at once take away this resource, through which he hoped to save the upholding of the authority and interests inter-ests of the country. In order that Lhe Madrid government may comprehend com-prehend the difficulties of the situation, situa-tion, and do justice to the ardor and perseverance with which lie began his labors winch had already began ! Lo produce fruits, the Captain Gcn-i Gcn-i oral describes the situation in the ' island, and declares that the impression impres-sion produced by the news of the arrangement ar-rangement which has been completed between Spain ant! the I'nitcd Stales can be compared with that produced in Spuin by the, treaty uf Payonnc, wheih led to the war ot I n-. Impendence against Napoleon. He begs lo assure the government thai the immediate delivery of the Yuyinii$ will instantaneously instan-taneously cause a frightful eumolion throughout the island, which would lie sure to result in successive catas-t'-ophies, even if a man of the highest ability should be iu command there. The above dispatch was forwarded early in the ccning. The public feeling is intensely excited, but the greatest order prevails, owing to the conlidenec "hich General JoCcllar in-spir.. |