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Show The ISuniau Kili-lit'U ami ils luiitb Waiters. Tlie iAv U supplied with alirnont li.v vcfM'l- wliii'h cuiiiic-'jt tho stomticli and its (UlxiliiiWi-S Willi till! VC'llOUS i.Vf-luIJl , and, su to spunk, perform tliu otHco oi" dumb wiiit'T.- in n rr-launiul. In other word-1, tli".-t; mi-rlia nl' .'oniinunie:i! ion be-tc- tlir liiiinnil kitrlu.'ii iiud it.-depon-dnil supply to e:ieh nieinlwi and omni, iirai-r renn.'lf, tin ouanlity nnd kind of u-Ij'uiiih.i.' re (liimd lo keep it going. Wlicn tin-sloimiel) is d'Teliet in ils duty, fi I in: dumb wailws inerl or obstructed, il i- 'tl..- t-ili:ir pn.vim-o of Ilo-lelter's (,V)"bniU-il Slotinii li IliUi-ir to strengthen in id p'iiliiU' I In in. I b'iie' li ninrvidouf en res of cl ironic indipe.-tioii, nnd t!ie eiiuu iiitioii, debility and liui)(oiir whii li lire gem-rally it- " onrou.itiints. It i.-niori i.-niori oviT, a powei fill alterative and cur-ri'eiive, cur-ri'eiive, and ibe rapidity with which it .1,.'-1.b invjndai-ities of tbe liver ' and bowel.-, ariit brae--s and invigonilcs the i-y-l'm, i a marvel, ut only to tlie general gen-eral public, Inil to roI'-'-siuiml men. |