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Show J-: ..vn:nx spauks. Ingeroil ail F.irrington, lhe mvi !!-. let.-, w , '.ik'.n !.j Smg 'Ih-uvlay. The Monitor V o-! ,. vu iHoiiouie.cd iitt' ih- untiL 1 ! .-.'i-.i.-e in hcprCiMi. loiidilioj.. Jinj bond hulder.; uf t!ie l'niL-n I'acJic road have elected t.'lier Am Inil-.-e in j.laee of Oak-:.-. A foiir-tlory luulding in loiirac ot completion near the Eric dej'ot, m Tais.ii. X. J., Mas bloun de-.n Ihura-.tay, Ihura-.tay, burying a number of v.orkmen and pera-hy. j hn b,i,; h:i. ,. I -cell i'lOi i-i d. The SpLU1i,iuL of ,ew Yoii, h;.c appointed a coniiuittee to irei.ue an ..ddn, prole tin- ai'.iiit Ih- trnos of the i-rotoi-.il agreed to l.-v Admiral I'olo. at A aslim-lon, and calling for its rejection by tpnin. .. bunieanc at M,d- in, 'Jain IlniMlay morning, dcmoiUicd .six bti-me liMii...( nnix-'otid se'.erai otii-'is, and mjuud eight peixniis. two sct'rcly. There was a he;n- -torm of rain and wind Wednesday 'night. The war ste.uucr Jauu: Ici'l New York Nov. litli, under sealed orders, ; ui'.l as govcrninent dot pel nuinifrt mxiefy ibr her eafclv it is thom-iit e'obabie that Santiago l.'i: Cuba was ;ot her dc.-(iuation. Tears lor her alVty have been repressed. |