Show the town you can call create all kinds of correct systems to push a community ahead you can suggest all kinds of helpful ideas but if these systems and ideas are not backed up tip bv somo some live enthusiasm the th progress of that town owai is likely to drag give a slow moving community a little bunch of enthusiastic thusia boosters boasters bo and if it liar has any substantial foundation and prospects it will go ahead and usually go pretty fast the enthusiasm of these sanguine and energetic people is contagious cold feet thaw out when they come in contact with this warm hearted spirit it arouses the apathetic ana from their lethargy it enlists service and cooperation it gives people an inspiring vision of the things they could do with their own hands and brains we need more of these enthusiastic folks here in san juan Co county do you ou ask how such enthusiasm can be cultivated well an old saying has it that the appetite comes with eating take hold field and do one or two things successfully and you feel twice as much courage for something else |