Show F ou 11 ey a iain e 0 11 0 me Te temporary officers elected next M meeting ce t 1 cef sun june 28 charles diaries lit edd state director rector i well attended meeting launches the movement for permanent organization much need for it in san juan county an organization meeting for a county chamber of commerce Comme ice was hold held wednesday evening at the county court house about twenty men weri wei present and all seemed in in favor or of the movement the meeting was called to order by chaillos redd who explained the purposes of such an organization and an 1 frank flank halls was elected temporary temporal y chairman and lloyd llod hansen seera tary As the state chamber is is very anxious anxious to have a director elected from each o ich county to help in the organization of the county and state 01 organizations the meeting unanimous ly elected charles redd hedd of la sal as state director for foi san juan county one of the problems that should sl receive the attention of the county and quate body is is the cle de ignation of route from monticello to Flags flagstadt talT as a highway and the meeting was ft as in in favor of thiv thi S 11 II phlegar Ph legai president pipi ilon of the dolores chamber of commerce comin cico was present and explained the ti wok w 1 of that organization and midi an olter of cooperation to san juan judge IT II V pyle PS ie and J D B tucker of Do dolores lorei wore also present and made short address addies ss as pigging the blip klippart part of the colorado bodies to us it was voted to hold a meeting on 1 sunday afternoon june 28 in in the assembly hall ball to form a permanent organization i on it was thought that at thi this time tim e I 1 it would be possible to secure a representation from all parts part of the county and permanent officers will be elected at this time |