Show L frank redd new mayor of monticello Monti celio town board appoints prominent business man maii to fill term has been member of board for some time ahe monthly meeting of bf the town board was held monday evening the members present vare were L frank redd wilson allred mis airs mary jane wilson and clerk mrs mis may cooper coop er I 1 L frank redd was appointed appoint ei mayor of the village to fill out the I 1 term of BI A bartoio who Yesig med because he is leaving lown town mr air redd bedd is a well and favorably known business Lu siness man I 1 he ic camo came to lionti ll cc llo from bland blanding ng five years ago and since taint time jime helias he lias made his horns home here MT mr married marrie ard has six ait oil children idren ile he has always mild and atas iti is the general opinion that the and t inthe ic the general opinion that the made a wise choice in their appointment p of mr redd for president of our village routine kills bills were allowed by the board A committee from the american legion were present and asked permission to handle the fire protection fo for r the thi village as apart a part of abe their r civic j service evice activity activity their request was grant granted d the legion will have charge of all eq domont and they plan to organize a volunteer fire department the committee for the extermination of flies was also present they asked tin tile support of the local board of health in their campaign the board agreed to cooperate ki k i i the eradication of the fly nuisance and will enforce ordinances pertaining to some 1 A street light for the extreme north lend end of the village was asked for but no me action was taken on this matter |