Show C FEEDING CORN TO HOGS profitable safest investment and one way of making money tho ilia most profitable method of marketing curn corn for the next two years to la by feeding it to hogs and then mar ketling the hogs W W shay swine extension specialist of the north th tar car ollnie sante college says in speaking of tile low loft price of corn and the profit to be nade in hogs at the present lime bleeding 1 I lle ceding eding corn to hogs Is tile the safest form investment and the surest way w Y to a profit in farming this year if tbt corn Is produced at a low rost V Os t pet pec bushel mr air shay says that it Is albins profitable able to feed corn to hogs ayen it if the corn Is high in price per bushel or the yield beld per acre Is low ion the feeding of corn coni to hoss hogs will increase its bushel value alue when the his has a big loss in the cost of f corn coin ine due to low production per acre tills this can he cut down by feeding to hogs hut hilt not always eliminated the person who cannot produce at least SO 30 bushels of corn or more to the acre had best stay out of the hog raisins business self feeder demonstrations in the eastern part of the state this past year showed that corn coin will increase enormously in value if fed to hogs one demonstration showed a profit of per cent on in corn by such feeding despite the death of one hog during the the hogs in this case ate bushels of corn which would bare brought if sold as 08 corn after plying paying all other charges and deducting the value of tile the hos hog which tied died the hogs still paid a profit of ciol 1111 for the corn and left plant erod worth W 55 on the farm whereas worth of plant food fond would have h ne pone gone out with the corn had it been sol sold the other two demonstrations proved the sink saint thing thine in n the demona demon dem 1 rations the hops hogs were put on self feeders half the time and then turned in on standing corn supplemented ted with alt fish mon the raising nl ln of plenty of corn and hops hogs will hp be n great hoost boost for the alve tit lit nome innie l movement mr shay believes lie ile wants many hos hog feeding demm orations this year with accurate rewords kept |