Show news review of current events the world over the jve united states joins great britain and france in in recognizing 0 the new spanish republic hoover upsets coolidge precedent by EDWARD W PICKARD ITH the united W WITH states great britain france and several smaller republics ot of the world recording according the new government at madrid headed by niceto alcala zamora Za niora f formal 0 r to a I 1 recognition republican ex istance 1 s t e n c e has come promptly into being president n dent of the recognition zamora the g spanish republic by the british government served to clear the way was for or similar action by the united states secretary of state henry L stimon stimson son instructed the american ambassador to spain to advise the republican government EO eminent of 0 the action taken by washington recognition by the united states was said to have hare been hastened by the consideration urged by president that a general recognition of the new goern government ment by the great powers will tend to strengthen it at home and enable it to maintain order although ambassador irwin B D laughlin Laughl ln Is to continue at madrid for the time being his permanent retention there will depend upon hla his acceptability to the republican government there have been reports that the ambassador who Is a pittsburgh steel millionaire tins has publicly expressed a low opinion of the republicans forming the new government the provisional government an bounced it would recognize all debts of the monarchy this resulted in strengthening of stocks and securities on the exchange T TUG ur federal farm board during the week announced its decision to offer for sale on the european nuro penn market mark et as ai rapidly as possible the huge surplus p in s of wheat acquired under the wheat stabilization operations of 1030 81 31 it hv has been estimated the surplus of such wheat controlled by the board will be approximately bushels by july 1 next the board la Is of 0 the opinion that tha t such buch sales can be made without depressing domestic wheat prices the government purchases were made at an average price of about 02 cents a bushel and the estimate has been made that the board might suffer a loss as high as 60 per cent in sales on this wheat client it if ninde in europe at the present time advice to farmers to store their grain on the farm Is extended it will cost about one third of the regular carrying charges if the wheat is stored on the farm itself the attempted solution of the problem so tar far as the board has worked it out appears to be that the board is going to try to unload its surplus when and filiere it can so far as it can without bring ing about too great a slump in the market the farmer is then to be asked to help carry the load of the coming crop and the board bearl will offer him a tentative promise of aid through cooperatives suggesting an additional incentive to the farmer to join a cooperative james S stone chairman of the board announced that the government had sold OW bushels of wheat abroad recently at a figure above abne the world price decrease of superior product T tn TIE G message mess age of secretary of state stimson warning w a americans to get out of the interior of ban dit infested nicaragua if was sent to the amerlean american f legation at managua and to the american consul at the mess message sage dr dratted by secretary secretary son BOD after lle he had stimson talked to president hoover was as follows in view of outbreak of banditry in portions of nicaragua hitherto free from uch such violence you will advise american citizens that this government cannot undertake general protection of americans throughout that country with american forces to do so BO would lead to difficulties and commitments mit milt ments which this government does not propose to undertake therefore the department recommends to all americans who do not feel secure under the protection afforded them by the nicaraguan government through the nicaraguan national guard to withdraw from the country or at least to the coast towns whence they can be protected or evacuated in case of necessity ces sity those who remain do so at their own owe risk and must not expect american forces to be sent inland to their nia six years yeara ago calvin coolidge the abea a president affirmed in an address in new york what tie he called the distinct end and binding obligation on the part of self belt respecting governments to afford protection to the persons and property ot of their wherever they may be w this american doctrine stimson now ani amends ends american protection by the new policy follows american catl citizens ashore but not to the interior of rebel infested nicaragua H HIGHLY interesting at tills this time Is the announcement that the soviet government has decided to adopt a new wage system known as the which ft atch apparently changes the governments policy and amplifies the inauguration of piece work ft ork it Is to go into effect at once the wages of wor workers lers according to soviet authorities will not be based on an tile the communistic theory of equal division hut but on the capitalistic idea of reward lue ina individual efforts in skill and ability the word literally means economic account ti ag 1 it Is interpreted to in the decree to dinean vint that each factory plant collective farm mine railroad and such henceforth must take the responsibility of fulfilling contracts and adjudging wages without interference from trade un ions although certain elements among the disciples of lenin view the innovation regretfully as a compromise with capitalism the government hopes the system si stem will speed ip production lead ers affect to see the as tending to eliminate waste and fix re for managers and workers H gil place in the 11 list of encouraging comments on the business situation Is accorded that of roger IV W babson the trade prop prophet bet who told president hoover that better times are on the way business he said has turned the corner and now Is definitely on the up roger w grade babson in almost every line of industry there ore are some some concerns which in march showed an in crease in earnings ove february what Is more important they showed an increase for this march over oer march of last year certain of the railroads also have turned the corner lie he said mr air babson has earned the right to be listened to when he ventures upon the thin ice of economic frognes tl ti catlon cation statistics being his bis dally daily diet die t he asks the country to observe the statistics of car loadings these are steadily increasing they have nl at ways been of barometrical significance when freight Is moving factories are working and shipping merchants are buying and cu customers sto iners are consuming in every key industry statistics show allow that one or two big firms have turned the corner promising that smaller fry too are headed out of the red it if the american people turn their gaze from the big board in wall street to the bigger opportunities which awalt await them in constructive dt directions ions lons of every sort the upturn foreseen by mr air babson will co coma me all the sooner and all the surer R recognition recognition of t the h e I 1 imperative to operative pera tive necessity of solving the problem 0 of f unemployment Is seen in the complete comple te reorganization of the united S states t a I 1 e s employment service with 48 state employment bureaus it I 1 and one in the DIs erict of columbia and seven special central centra secretary cop taru divisions established ook doak oo k to deal with the problems of various trades announced by william N doak secretary of labor john R alpine of new york fork will head the new setup set up which has SOO of appropriations available for li its work francis L jones Is to continue as director general with supervision also over the special mining and quarrying trades division the veterans placement service will be maintained nationwide nation wide in its scope and the farm employment service will be expanded the united states employment service has decided secretary doaks announcement said to open up at least one employment bureau in each of the states and the district of columbia to co operate cooperate with state and local authorities A coordinated co service throughout the entire country will undertake in the broadest sense to take care of interstate labor placements in co coop OP aeration with employers and employees giving employers a ready field beld from which to draw all needed labor necessary to carry forward any kind of work fl ork M MUCH to the surprise of financial circles stockholders of the unit ed states steel corporation oil opted a proposed pension plan under which james A farrell president and for several years a leading figure in the steel industry would retire on reaching the ase age of seventy or in 1033 1933 mr farrell was a leader or of thoda la in favor of the new plan pointing out oat that the old oil one had been uria unsatisfactory titia there are others in the lie great great united states steel corporation who will retire if the plan is adopted it provides 05 for voluntary retirement and 70 tor for compulsory in this class soon would tall fall I 1 E J buffington president of illinois steel joshua A hatfield president of amerlean american bridge ward B perley dent of canadian steel J ls keefe pies president ident of american steel wire and G E W pargny president of arner amer lean sheet tin plate all these are subsidiaries the retirements would tall fall between 1033 and 1835 1915 it was pointed out that air gary as chairman of the hoard board of directors worked at his steel until he died ten years later thin the proposed retirement plan would require it may be afat some other plan will affect mr air varre parrell it it that lat he I 1 too 00 may carry on but the pension pin plan says 70 WITH ITH more ease than he himself I 1 1 expected ejected ramsay macdonald comes safely through the tempests tempest of a serious barita parita century m e n t a r y setback stanley baldvins baldwins Bald wins ins motion of censure an open and her heralded aldee effort to drive thedac the macdonald govern go eminent to e n t B out of office was de ramsay rented by a majority majora ty macdon macdonald at d of 54 votes g lloyd george whose liberal following holds holda the balance of power in the house of commons turned the tide to macdonald when he denounced the conservative serva tive motion as unfair of 58 68 lib eral votes macdonald cDonald Mn received 35 the conservatives only 10 the re remainder malder not voting or absent quite evidently great britain Is in no mood to fall victim to political r spellbinding it knows that none of the political leaders possesses a magic wand that can charm away the disastrous consequences of the war the nation must climb a long ong and weary trail and it Is prepared to do so doubtless the indian situation which w has been one of the chief causes for the depression in the british textile industry because of the indian boycott on british goods was an important consideration with the lib 1 brals in supporting macdonald ELIEF that the B BELIEF revolution in honduras honn N Is related with OP operations erat lons of the insurgents sur gents under an all gustino sandin 0 in d nicaragua has gal gained n ed I 1 ground among abse observers of central amer lean politics it Is pointed out that gen gregorio Gre gorlo ferreira ferrara Ferr cra head of the lie fausto revolutionary move davila ment in Ilon honduras durns Is penly openly 0 opposed to united states intervention activities sharing San dinos V views fews in this regard ferrera was in mexico a year ago lie he Is of indian blood and has a large following among the laborers on the large united states banai babala a plantations of the north coast of honduras dr jesus castro honduran charge daf faires at mexico city who recently returned from a visit to meguel galpa dalpa said president colindres Coll refusal to admit ferrera into his cab inet was the probable cause of the revolution ile he Is confident it will fall as the president has an influential backing and a well trained army dr vicente cmejla colondres Coll adres was named president of honduras in the last election and was inaugurated on february 3 1 1020 02 municipal elections last december gave the liberal party a majority julius 0 lay united states minister in honduras reported to tile the state department that in his opinion the revolt would soon out he said no military or political figures of consequence appear to be connected with it fausto davila Is the premier and foreign minister of honduras and Is considered by south american diplomats at washington as well able to deal with the situation altitude A STATEMENT setting out the attitude of newton D baker of cleveland former secretary of war toward talk of his candidacy for the democratic nomination for the prest dy dency Is accepted by politicians as clearing the atmosphere issued by W 11 gongwer Cong an ohio democratic leader after a conference enie with mr air baker baher the statement indi bated that the ex secretary will not do anything to obtain the but he will not refuse it should ii it come c 0 me to him if the democratic nation at al convention contention Is unable to agree on any of the active candidates during the scramble for delag delegates a tea to the convention contention mr baker will not use his influence in behalf of any particular candidate the statement also said the m many any kind bilings n gs said about newton n D baker B a ker as a possible democratic canoll bandl date for the presidency are certa lilly gratifying to mr air bakers friends and ant naturally to him film in my conversations conversation with mr air baker he has shown ver ven great interest in tile the party s platform but no interest in possible candidates candidate and I 1 do not believe lie ins has ills hla former judgment on I 1 lip flip tills tins lias clanis been that ile he and n desire for further political prefer nei of any kind GI G S I I 1 ott no NW jav hr unlock I 1 |