Show YOO peaches mousse combination popular gr e f g etli Z ix T 1 1 ME arav I 1 mousse with canned peaches for dessert prepare Pr pared d by the united states state department of 0 agriculture ter terrica vica peaches and cream in combination become a dessert do when the cream Is frozen A mousse or ice cream frozen without stirring Is especially good tor for the purpose since mousses dousses require somewhat heavier and richer cream than ordinary ice cream made by churning in a freezer with a dasher reach melba Is the dessert made by putting tile the ice cream into large halves of canned peaches and it Is a very pretty and attractive dish but sometimes a little unmanageable on the plate for that r reason eaon you may prefer to slice the p peaches ea L be late into convenient sections and serve them with a little ot f the juice they were canned in as 03 a sauce or garnish vanilla Is the most satisfactory flavor tor for mousse that Is served with a fruit isaace aaice unless some of the fruit pulp Is mixed with the cream and frozen also to make plain vanilla mousse frozen either in a refrigerator with a mechanical ch cb anical unit or by packing in ice and salt bait the following recipe from the bureau of home homa economics of the united states department of agriculture may be used I 1 cup double cream I 1 tbs abs tugar sugar 1 cup rich milk or 2 ess gg whites white thin ram cream tap salt gait I 1 tap gelatin H tap bp manilla soak the gelatin until soft in a little of the milk or thin cream heat tho the remainder and pour over the gelatin add the sugar and stir until dissolved and put the mixture aside to chill whip the double cream when the mixture containing the gelatin has baa thickened slightly bent beat it to incorporate air add the vanilla and told fold in the whipped cream and the well beaton beaten egg whites the egg whites reduce richness increase volume and improve texture these proportions will make over four cupfuls before freezing or if the egg whites are not used bout about a three cupfuls cup |