Show LINE LIME f net mrs mary alary V Y brumley special correspondent the work an on the northdale Nort hdale bdale project of highe highway ny i is s being completed as rapidly as possible and notwithstanding w ith standing the rains of tle the past 11 the crew has kept at work the tha lumber for the 64 54 ft bridge across coal ded bed will be L on the ground sonio some time next week when the deck will be ba constructed on the piling which is i s the already in olace this part of the grading will then be completed the intersection of the mail route between monticello and dove creek tile the fine rains of the past we week have added much to the appearance of cf the winter wheat and while they have caused some hindrance in spring plowing the dry farmers are happy I 1 in the prospect of a good harvest tho the precipitation shows inches forthe for the storm period just past clement johnson took mrs noah huffman and her son joe wheeler to cortez monday thai th at the young man mail who is suffering from a relapse from the mumps might receive medical treatment lear allen alien left the first part of the week for las vegas nevada where he expects to find employment in connection e ebion with the boulder dam project mrs jrsn N G cook is in a vey very serious condition at the johnson bo hospital spital in cortez where she underwent an op tumor cumor tred three weeks ago mr andars and Mrs cobic were of monticello several years a figu fendoll sitton sustained painful injuries to liis his back last Sat ruday afternoon when he be fell from a truck from which he was uni unloading baled hay the accident was caused by the breaking of the wire when he attempted to lift one of the bales the school election on oil monday afternoon resulted in L V shutt being elected as secretary of the coal wed district C J hart who has recently returned from california is making some building additions on his horse head homestead the high hill community gave i pi pie 1 e social and dance at their school house last saturday night which retted netted them about 20 60 this will be aed to purchase an organ for the school mrs P R butt was attending to I 1 business in monticello on thursday of 1 last week mr and mrs 0 stevans who have recently come to this part of the country from near cortez have rent grille tile long ranch on the monticello rad mr air and sirs mrs long have gone grand junction JA ga family by the name of medley are r recent homesteaders on cedar P paint I 1 t rin an friday of last week the worn wom a ns interstate community club anci ana tha throve Dovo creek creck civic club were joint hostesses ent entertaining staining at a noonday luncheon tle tl fl e officers of the southwest di district nf lif the colorado federation 0 anians clubs their guests being mesdames A ashback hensley ensley II and carpenter pe nar ot of mancos mesdames E L h mason johi son and burke of cortez and M aluce aluce i Luce of arriola the luncheon faai served in the opera house the loW table which extended the entice anti u length lei of tile the room was wag prettily decorated in the colors of the two clubs three thle d Map poles with their sty streamer re reaching aing to each place card and mint ha baket akk after the luncheon a musical and literary program was given at tile artist church mrs airs small 1 do dent of the civic club presiding and Mr fre sCrap Crar prescient pres dent of the interstate club giving the address of 61 welcome conle which which was responded to by imis mrs ashback president of the southwest district short addresses by all the visiting officers bonef oneff the pleasing features of the program was the highland fling dane by y little miss bliss velma brown |