Show FARM AID ANOTHER STORY NOW with the farm board out of the grain market and the wheat grower back on his own it is inevitable that new demands will go up tip for farm relief of an all eminently practicable nature for that fakter concern for the farmer is already a matter of solicit ious political expression senator borah could lie he have his way would have coil gress in extraordinary session now to enact a plan of export debenture the equalization fee has been revived by others with warning that the hext congress must do something but there is this also to consider the plight of tl the I 1 01 farmer appears now a matter of no greater concern than the plight of industry industry y and the industrial worker the more or ys general sympathy that attended past effort to help the farmer is beginning beg ining to be turned inward the worker who has been without a job or oi on oil part time for these many months looks upon the farmer as a fortunate soul he has at least the certainty of a living moreover tile the condition of federal finances is not suell such as to lend encouragement for such successes as have attended past politico agricultural a 9 ri cultural efforts when the treasury was showing yearly surpluses dispute repeated tax reductions it was not difficult to cure with the situation now reversed there is little ris position to consider any ally new federal fed eral financing the farmer is undoubtedly u ll 11 in a bad way but it is becoming increasingly increasing ly apparent that the more important in remedial measures are within his own hands and until they are applied there will be marked opposition to proposals of outside a tance what the famer needs more than anything else right now is competent economic econ omle leadership but probably he will continue to get political promises colorado sp springs rings gazette |