Show recipes and rood food suggestions thoms by NELLIE MAXWELL everyone now believes bel levea that there Is in a man an animating ruling characteristic essence or spirit which Is hims atmaa ht maa it this cirit dull or bright potty or grand pure or 0 foul looks 0 out u t of 0 the tha eyes sounds sound in the tha volca voice I 1 and opp appears ars in the th manners of each individual it its I 1 what we call personality charte charles W ellot eliot the following may be found helpful to many young housewives no ko woman who practices trading at the fancy grocers or the delicatessen can call call herself a thrifty housewife we wa have bare too m many an y of these stores supplying I 1 y I 1 in g food that should be prepared at home at halt half the expense any woman with the he strength to walk to a store and shop should be ashamed it if she be equipped with a stove and aed kitchen of her own in the large cities there la Is a reason for those markota and they are of course a great convenience for those able abe to pay for tile the delicacies which the stores prepare and sell we had enough instruction st during the lite late war to we use up every bit of food advantageously but it la Is needful that this knowledge be passed along each year to those young housekeepers who still are in need of it it simple things nicely served are most enjoyed frills may entertain but bat the average person likes good well cooked and seasoned food hot on 01 hot plates it if it should be hot and cold if tt it should be cold coffee and most fruit stains are removed by pouring boiling water through the cloth at an elevation to give it force when ft hen falling failing however it if cream Is present that must be removed with cold water and soap with material which cannot be treated with boiling water rub the stain gently with glycerine rinse in warm waterland wat erand press on the wrong side in making toast remember that quickly made toast browned on the outside tills lias driven all the moisture into tile the center and has made the crumb soft and not good for those who have leave indigestion A dry crisp piece of toast la Is made by first heating the broad bread very hot in the oven then toasting quickly it browns brona more evenly and Is much more digestible egg milk shake geat beat three eggs very light add four tablespoonfuls tablespoon fuli i of sugar a few grains of nutmeg and cinnamon three cupfuls of milk one teaspoonful of vanilla beat well nud and serve cold cream of celery soup use the outside stalks for making soup they lime have the flavor and the tender inner stalks may be reserved lessoned tor for tile the table wash and cut the stalks into pieces allow one cupful of celery to tw two 0 cupfuls of water ater cook until the celery la Is soft add salt to taste just before tile the celery Is done strain and add two cupfuls of thin cream thickening or binding tile the soup with a tablespoonful each of butter and flour cooked together cook until smooth serve hot an egg well beaten adds richness and makes a most tasty soup bran bread mix alix the following ingredients one and one half cupfuls of dark one teaspoonful of soda one and one fourth cupfuls of sour milk one and one half cupfuls of bran one half cupful of seeded raisins raisin 8 two ten spoonfuls of baking powder and one halt half teaspoonful of salt bake in a well greased baking pan for an hour put into a moderate oven and increase la creasa the heat until well baked CE E 1131 1031 western newspaper union |