Show names of great lakes both indian and french Gan gannette origin of place names in the united states says that opinions differ as to the origin of the name huron according to some it Is a corruption of ciure riven given a tribe of indians by the french it means the head of a wild boar it la Is believed by that it Is from irom the indian words hoewe meaning t true rue m man n 11 still others believe it to Is a corruption by french fir from 0 m the indian irrl meaning 1 9 cat tribe erle erie Is from earlge or brike the name of a now extinct indian tribe the word signifies eat cat or wildcat 11 some authorities believe the word means mad imad 11 ontario in the indian word meaning beautiful lake or beautiful prospect of rocks hills 11 and ll 11 d water michigan Is an indian w word 0 rd said by some I 1 to 0 mean big lake and by others other place for catching fish superior Is a translation of the ON original 9 in at french name lae lac t r rl nu 11 x meaning the ur upper par lake of the he ottaway Ot tawas |