Show government figures on 1 domestic dom estic wool consumed indicate A IL upward award P trend latest government figures on domestic wool consumption indicate an upward trend Con consumption of wool by the manufacturers reporting in february was atly over pounds grease weight carpet wools excluded for january of this year the consumption was slightly over 0 v er pounds consumption of cf strictly combing and clothing wool for february this year was slightly over lover pounds for the mills milli reporting porting le against pounds for the previous month anin of about pounds although consumption of wool for the first two months of this year is according to the government figures approximately i below the total for the same came two months last year it should be noted that the trend is more favorable last years total for january januari was vas above that of february throughout the first part of the year the trend was down this year however the february total is above that of the previous month it is reported that when the march report is ii compiled it will shuw a wool consumption which carries the trend further upward I 1 in considering these wool consumption figures the growers should not interpret thern them to mean all wool consumed in this country the american woolen company the lagest manufacturer fac in the nation and several se other oilier large establishments do not report normally the government reports account recount for between 70 and 83 85 percent of the wool con consumed mined to do j penzing upon the alie activity of the american woolen and the other larga concerns conc einis which ch do not report because of its pertinence to tile the subject of wool consumption trends fiend the following statement is from making the grade with wool a publication fion issued by eavenson levering camden N J wool 1 1 ing concern on every side in style forecasts at fashion centers in stores and on the ests in editorial as well as advertising columns of th I 1 newspapers and magazines are arc to be seen indications that this is a wool season that 1931 is to ie be a wool year maybe we of the trade had little or nothing bothin air to do with the revival of interest in woolens and their it was the fickle dame fashion ashi oil that issued the decree no matter the movements started lets make it a real wool avala the outlook is favorable for increased demand for wool both in mens and wear tho the strong demand for fine wools during the last two months is due largely to wear manufacturers taking more wool scaling down of fabric prices for mens clothing is expected to increase creise sales materially tl os are favorable for a large fall business n mens clothing manufacturers of suits in the medium and lo 10 spiced wp iced field expect a particularly strong I 1 year lower prices for fabrics by the leading mills enables the dealers I 1 n the medium priced field to give u bomers ut omers a better garment through the east manufacturers of biens n lit ta selling around are c ec a noted pick pickup up to get a shire in the growing trade in suits n this price range a national mail older house ts is introducing a mens spit st eno nt at marking down of abric prices means that the purchaser I 1 of one of these suits will olain material which previously was j 1 1 I 1 obtainable only in in the better grade t a loil suits public appreciation of the he good values in in wool garment 3 should stimulate greatly increased inci eased buying bu ing ath with some time tima remaining before the opening of the second series series of the london sales the tl e fore forea an n situs situa tion continues favorable the second series series closed march maich 31 with prices pi ices firm film during dm ing the last ten days of the mccond sale eale some of the conservative trade papers reported prices price dron anz TI off however the sale closed with f fam 1 rm upturn T the hc D 1 part mont of Arri culture i ports th tint at at the closing of the see sec ond series of the london sales prices f the finest Ate dennos were 5 per cent higher h gl i and other marinos bennos about 25 pei 1 ci cent higher than those at the lore of the previous pi evious sale on feb biary 6 fine crossbred wools were 25 to SO 30 per cent higher with medium aum ium and low from 30 to 10 40 per cent dearer south african were selling about 16 15 per cent higher and punta arenas wools were 25 per cent above the previous pi evious sales the jump in in prices pi ices was s so 0 r udden sudden and pronounced during dining the last lon ion don series that it should not come rs as a surprise ui prise if the next sale which alons april 28 was to show a decline of 5 to 10 per cent at the opening such a decline should cause causa no apprehension pie hension among growers glowers however for foi prices abroad still would be 15 to 20 per pel cent for merinos and SO 30 to 35 per pel cent for above december levels the attitude in the wool trade in m this country is is becoming more moie optimistic ti bonfi confidence dence is is returning the national ivoal marketing corpora I 1 I 1 flon continues continues to move wool in sub at prices are arc materially firmer than those of a month I 1 agotha 7 the cooperative is experiencing a stronger demand for three eights wool and the last of march marketed a substantial volume of af quarter u arter blood wool the first strong demand for this grade int in a considerable period 6 during U ring the last month much has L keen said about the mountain of wool the national wool marketing corporation Corpo ratin has on hand band obviously to exert a bearish influence reports have been circulated th that at the cooperative would enter the new season which is generally conceded to open about about the first of june willian with an abnormally large karge volume of wool on hand with the 1931 clip now forecast at from 10 to 16 15 million above that of 1930 it was asserted the st bation was very unhealthy at the rate wool is being sold and delivered to manufacturers it becomes more aoi 0 e evident vid I 1 e nt every day that all the talk itala about age ane mountain of wool was chiefly inspired by a afire of ire to depress prices in the west at buy buying ng timo time the cooperative will enter the new season the first of june with a small supply cooperative sales recently con tl have approached a million I 1 rounds a day we feel certain the majority of 9 growers 0 w ers appreciate the advantages of en entering te ring the new season with ligrest pos possible stocks of 1930 1030 wools with I 1 alight a light carryover carry over growers may rest I 1 assured that their early 1931 wools will receive immediate tit tenton oi chere 1 I here will be no large tonnage st still illi I 1 oil hand for their new wools to compete with i with all developments pointing toward 1931 as a more moie active and favor zAle W wool ool year the cooperative v cols can call be marketed maik eted faster and nd final made t ahe the gro or promptly twe we trust that wool pro pio duckers appreciate that 1930 was an extremely abnormal ye beai ar and that it WT ws impossible to sell wool in volume without wl depressing the market what in in 1930 cannot be taken as a criterion of what growers may ex e 1 rest in in years yeara of in active marke t |