Show DOCTOR IS GIVEN LIFE TERM FOR DEATH OF WOMAN found guilty of planning murder of witness in former trial Coffe coffeyville kan one of 0 the most sensational murder cases ever known in kansas was ended here recently when dr S A brainard alnard Br was found guilty of first degree murder for plotting tile the death of mrs maude martin a witness against him in a previous case in which he was charged with the murder of mrs esther odare nidiffer doctor brainard alnard Br prominent coffey wille physician and member of the board of education said the case against him was a fram eup the jurys decision has not entirely quieted the feelings of local citizens in the case some believe doctor brainard alnard Br Is a cold blooded murderer of tile the worst kind while others say he be Is a much maligned wila nine and tile the victim of an innocent chain of circumstances but regardless of these sentiments the decision of the jury means he must spend the rest of his natural life at al hard bard labor in the state penitentiary unless by some unforeseen chance attorneys should gain a new trial or reversal mrs nidiffer Nl differ dies the unusual combination of circumstances tf began when mrs esther oda odare re nidiffer Nl differ aged nineteen adlea dle d in her room at tile the beaude martin home here on september 13 1930 1030 ifer her death was reported by doctor brainard Br alnard to I 1 0 have been the result of a ruptured ed appendix and peritonitis she had been III since september 7 and doctor I 1 brainard had performed an operation late that same day an autopsy wag waa performed which revealed the fact 4 0 aa fv given life term that flint an intestine hid been cut and aar the ends tied and that the appendix aas in perfect condition warrants were ft ere issued charging doctor brainard alnard Br and mrs airs maude martin with the girls death both were vere ar rested bud and gave ball on november 17 when their cases were called in the district court a severance of the cases was asked and doctor brainards case called for trial the charges against mrs martin were dropped and she was called to the w witness it stand to testify as a states witness against brainard alnard Br her evidence was heard and the court adjourned until the follo following irIng day when judge J IV holdren declared the case a mistrial as an attorney was in contempt of court there were no new developments until january 6 when mrs martin died die of of a gunshot wound officers investigating the death of mrs airs martin found that muriel sullivan known as bit lie brown had bad left town neighbors told off officers leers baille Bil Bl lle Ille had been a fre quent visitor at the martin home A purported dying statement from mrs airs martin clearing brainard alnard Br of the murder was given to the county attorney by chief of police rolace keeling who had discovered it in the room where he found mrs martin after she bhe was shot this allegedly fake suicide note said that 1 I am guilty of esthers death and brainard Br alnard Is innocent it was signed by mrs martin officers believed the note a 8 fram eup and worked on that line muriel sullivan arestad on january 11 muriel murlea sullivan was nas arrested in seminole and confessed that she had fired the shot that kill killed ed mrs airs martin she said doctor brain ard was the man who fra framed in c d the deal and that she was hired by paul jones as brainards Brala ards agent to do the job that she was vaa to receive IDO for 14 it and had collected only 85 calling them cheap states kates later jones confessed his part in the shooting of mrs martin and he and sullivan were given life sentences and doctor brainard alnard Br was put on trial and convicted developments of the trial indicate that possibly others including another Coffey Nille attorney it 11 non hanlon had a part in thil arrangement for the hie murder of mrs airs martin paul I 1 ml jones and muriel sullivan liae given such if I 1 tile the trial and licie here Is a fooling feeling that possibly tile the entire tint lie story has not yet et been unfolded |