Show intermountain news briefly told by busy headers FIGHT DISEASE IN IDAHO HONOR OLDEST SOLDIER FAVOR MARRIED MEN DIEN FIGHT FOREST FIRES WINS MERIDIAN IDA an educational demonstration of the use of chlorate weed killers will bo be elten near herejk here in a few days BOISE IDA the payette for orest headquarters will employ 35 3 men for tire fire lookout work and 40 for road and trail guards these thes ar are e to guard against destruction of the forests from fires started by tourists or others BOISE IDAA IDA A campaign tor for r reducing educing the tuberculosis death rate among young people Is under way this disease Is still the principal foe of youths of 10 16 to 25 years or of age ge IDAHO FALLS IDA 0 W parry ogden won high individual honors ot of the utah idaho bowling tour tournament cament held field in this city DEAVER BEAVER UT DT many ol of the farmers of deaver beaver county are reporting dam damage age to cropsey crops by field mice this Is especially true in sections where ditch banks are becoming honeycombed to such buell an extent that it Is difficult to control irrigation water SALT LAKE CITY UT women whose husbands have work will be removed from their jobs with the denver rio grande western pac pacific I 1 fie railroad clerical department and be replaced by unemployed men with dependent families railroad officials announce fifty conj wom tn fen will lose their positions it Is estimated ti KAYs viLLE UT davis county countr made a gain of in valuation of farm land and buildings from 1825 1925 to 1930 more than any other county in the state according to the department of commerce census WYO wyoming has doubled its farm acreage a lathe past ten years according to announcement no made by the cen census stia bureau TWIN FALLS IDA honor guest at the american legion meeting here was S 0 sexton aged 00 06 of vancouver said to be the oldest man in the military service in the late war SALT LAKE LAK E CITY UT the th ba ate wind storm which prevailed la in this district recently reached a velocity which has been exceeded only once since 1874 according to weather bureau records the maximum tor for a five fhe minute average was wag gt 51 miles per hour LAS VEGAS NEV A gold colo cola commemorating the start of work on the boulder canyon project has been presented to president hoover from the chamber of commerce of lne vegas PANGUITCH UT it Is iq reported at the local fish hatchery that two hundred undred Ii thousand throe to eight inch trout and eastern brook are ready to be planted in the local streams at an early do ante to MORONI monon UT frozen assets ore are the alleged cause of the closi closing ncr of the bank of moroni tile the bank officials cals and the state bank commissioner ni Iss ioner are endeavoring to untangle the affairs of the institution AMERICAN FORK UT annual poultry day will be held here on june LOGAN UT all cattle owned by members of the cacho cache valley and high creek associations must be dippe before going on the cache national foredt this season LOGAN UT 4 an II club work Is reaching the remotest sections of utah according to the state club leader it Is reported th that n t four of the 4 H club units have bare been established in boulder utah the town Is eighty miles from the railroad and tills Is the first year in which tile the work has been undertaken in that locality IDAHO PALLS falla IDA new recard idaho potato shipment was practically assured for the 1031 1931 marketing season in an estimate released by 1 L S tate re presenta five alve of tile market service of the U s department or of agriculture PLEASANT GROVE UT the tenth annual utah strawberry festival held in juno of each year will be given two days this athla year members of the pleasant G grove rove chamber of commerce sponsors of the event have decided AMERICAN PORK FORK UTA UT A concerted drive on magpies and magpie eggs has been initiated by the american fork fish and game as 50 clation it wils was decided to offer a fishing rod to the boy who brot in tile the largest number of magpie heads and eggs and a bounty of five cents on heads of f grown birds two and one halt cents on baby birds and one cent per egg LYMAN WYO what hit tb the turtles Is one of the things smith mina institute excavators excava tors hope to discover in future examinations ot of fossil fields of the bridger basin wyoming in its recently put pub 1 shed fished report the lie institutions fossil sil party deg describes eribes a vast turtle death spot cre one vast outcrop P liny fifty root feet long iong was composed alil almost lost axll exclusively u bitely of turtle shells side by r ide bide 1 UT TO sau salt lake city en tries tire are being received for the OU OB den glorso show v 1 doiy nai afi |