Show arts SHAH STALE STA LE t S I 1 the san juan record greets you the san juan record greets you this week as an eight page paper we hope that tha you will like it if there are features that we do not have that you would like we trust that abat you will let us know and we will endeavor to got them we have man many y plans for the betterment of the record but it takes time to put them into effect so we ask our readers to be patient with us we take this way to tell you that we like your country and the people that thai we have meet and we hope that you will like us and our paper what we can give you in the way of a better paper will depend to some extent on the amount of support t that we get from you it takes both subscribers and advertisers to make a paper pay and of course no one is is going to run a paper unless they can make it pay we will do all in ill our power to make it a paper that you will want to read if we have the readers it will pay the ille business men to advertise it will pay the subscribers to read the advertisements for foi each week there are many offers from the merchants that will save them money we are endeavoring to secure correspondents in every tow downin to nin willin the county and hope to give all of the news of san juan county each week we have already written to several people and trust that within a week or two we will have a complete staff of correspondents lined up the columns of this paper will be open to all and nd the paper will be back of every worth while movement the one thing that we connot do is to open our columns to free I 1 advertising 11 dver 7 nor will we open them to personal controversies ver sies we are out to push san juan county and work for the good of the county in every way dav we will appreciate your cooperation at all times and will welcome your crit iscis nis at any time san juan county has much to offer for those who wish to live here and has many beautiful bea spots for the visitor to see so lets all get together and boost for the grood good of san juan county in a way that will benefit all |