Show these brands are intermountain y made and deserve your support 1 thomas electric c co rumps PUMPS MOTORS WATER WHEELS BOUGHT SOLD REPAIRED 9 WEST 2nd and SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY UTAH ARROW ROW BRAND PICKLES P I 1 C KLES y I 1 3 roses 1 each pink red and coral hardy 2 year field grown this ad and will bring biln the above to you postpaid PORTER WALTON GO CO seed A nursery specialists Special lats salt lake laka city your name adar iiii GASOLINE packed with power the utah agricultural experiment station at logan has just issued bulletin titled progress report carbon county experimental p peri arl mental farm 1927 30 inclusive copies may be had by writing the experiment station AUTO TENTS AUTO AUT 0 BEDS LAMBING TENTS THE SPERE TENT AWNING CO ALL THE LATEST AWNING STRIPE PATTERNS Wa SV tempi salt lake As al par fur as it its nami name SP sperry drifted snow flour standard in the horn home for 79 you years IS flirt per weela will be paid for the best 50 word article on why you should use intermountain made goods similar to above send your our story to intermountain products column P 0 box boi 1545 salt salt lake city if your story it appears P in this column you will receive C af heck check C for L CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS electrical PRODUCTS corporation 1046 so main salt lalio lake fity city SLEEP ON Eber Eller hardts inner spring mattresses SALT LAKE MATTRESS ATTRESS 31 AND MFG CO forest dale potato chips no equal por for crispness and quality duality pastory 47 kensington ave salt lake city tel uy BY 1741 As F 0 BEET SUGAR THE ONLY ROME nome SUGAR muck soil investigations la is the title on a now new bulletin number recently issued by the utah agricultural experiment station at logan it is a progress report of the sanpete county experiment farm copies may be obtained by writing the agricultural college f A IN BLUE SEAL CLEANSER wonderful sanitary household Houn choll cleanser cleanlier and water softener SOLE distributors makes N no sad the eal lafee better than soap ASK YOUR DEALER bronze memorial tablets TO permanently MARK THE ane LAST RESTING place OP OF RELATIVES AND FRIENDS FRIEND on commemorate HISTORIC EVENTS CALL OR WRITE SALT LAKE STAMP CO phone Wa wa 07 43 NY broadway Broadw fr salt lale lake city utah WANTED names kamm of axenti agent to ical it christmas cordi cards in 1331 1931 your local printer plant plan for 1931 being made now send in your roar name nam for detail which will make your selling ta er without the troubles cB mistake and delay you yon hii had in eastern writ W N U P 0 not dox 1545 salt lake alty RA ask g Y it APEX HAIR OIL AN intermountain PRODUCT ASH YOUR 0 GROCER pon are you going to build a HAY DERRICK we can save cave you money write us ua tar for circular builders steel iron co 1476 west esth so salt lake lain city ut J |