Show ROAD construction the sur voy of that portion of the 15 NB road to be constructed this year is ii completed this section of rond when completed will rii ovida a very nc ac cos possible sible louto onto tho mountain A john coee tractor and a caorell in nr r 1110 10 grader is being provided provide for maintenance on this road ranger hunt was in moab monday making preparations prepra Prep rations tiona to transport this equipment to blanding anding BI work on the brumley ridge road rs is progressing very nicely mel stewart road foreman has a crew of 12 men and four tearris teams on this project two thousand dollars doliar s has been appropriated for the baker north creek road this money will be available july 1 and I 1 t is estimated that this amount will complete the road to the old saw min mill setting in north creek the buckboard flat recreational area will be made readily accessible ces sible by means of the extension 0 of this road |