Show OF LOCAL INTEREST I 1 n it A bailey returned home sunday after spending several days in durango called there by the deatti of mrs baileys mother mrs allen alien snyder who passed away from an illness that extended over a period of years mrs bailey remained in durango to care caie f for r her father who is in poor health and and to be near her sister miss lt AA AA t t lj 1 l maude snyder who has been critically ill at the hopital hua ho pital D B perkins and lloyd hansen I 1 made a trip to thompsons Thomp sons monday to gei get 1200 turkeys L K jones and mother mrs marl mar N jones have returned from a hospital in san francisco to spend the summer in monticello Montice IIo we carry only the best of fresh meats pont dont forget to try them the new market L H 11 rodd redd co the tentative budget of the school board will be open to public inspection saturday Satu iday afternoon at supt bupt hansen b office the school board will meet at the same time gafford brothers have negotiated with directors of the bank tor for the vie vic bailey farm at joint tuesday evening may 12 tho the bee hue hive girls will present a one ac act t play following the lesson los on an entertaining evening is is promised promis ej as there will also be games and dancing parley redd red d george W perkins and H D bayles of blanding charles redd and leland W redd of la sil sal directors of the san juan state bank were in in town tuesday toi for the monthly meeting brigg andi and manon stevens were in 1 town recently pui purchasing phasing machinery for foi the dodge point ranch mr mi and mr mis S ronald osborne and laughter daughter and john osborne of san diego calif were recent visitors with then their sister mis lillywhite joseph palmer recently purchased the kartchner dry farm faim south of devils canyon from the san juan jua state bank fresh vegetables are now in market and we have a nice line new market mailet mail et L 11 II read redd co mrs J C asborne of aurora neb is is spending the summer witt with her daughter mrs lillywhite dc hive stake swarm day will lie observed saturday may 23 place and program to be announced later in in these columns mrs mis joseph du bois telephone tel ephon operator at moab is a patient in the moab hospital suffering from painful injuries ini uries received in a peculia i automobile accident which occurred tuesday an automobile luto mobile out of control made a detour through the du bois vard paid encountering and breaking a clothesline which wound mrs pu bois and dragged her hei for quite a istance distance the car was driven by john jackson miss helen hammond was a patient at the idab hospital last sunday burday and monday for poi pd formed by bv dr allen alien her mother mrs r F B hammond accompanied her the bank directors took dinner T tc accy i with ith riis J 11 baker eforest forest barger marion hunt hai been spending pending a few bays bay in in town ton 0 fresh sliced pork for your sunday day dinner at the new lew market L 11 redd co jack nielson no of f bluff who has been pending some time in town has gone con to elk bolint mountain a i nto to work with cantar marion hunt the following were registered the past w week L c k at the hyland hotel mi air and mrs mis 11 J danielson spokane jesse williams durango Dui ango V L johnson johns 0 n and makride Maui Mau ride kelly salt lake E L lucis lucas denver for foi sale 12 room loom buck brick house and one good harrow apply mrs lilly white 1 1 |