Show X l large kitchen handy as dining room irre by th the united state department Devart met ot at agrical agriculture t urs service I 1 in the coun country try large laige kitchens are more or less lesa necessary because at gore certa certain n seasons food must be prepared in considerable quantity to provide for the tha extra helpers in the farm w 0 rk frequently it proves practical and c con on vencent to use tile the kitchen as a fam family it y eating place rather than to carry food fo 0 d I 1 c g V J dining table at one side of kitchen I 1 and dishes s some ome distance to the din ing room tho the kitchen range makes the room very ry comfortable and it Is not necessary essaiy to Inc increase rense the heat else where B here la in the house if much of the family activity goes on in the roomy i kitchen Nw neever ever from the homemakers point of view the main con idera it an n having family meals in the kitchen Is tile the step saving feature the ilie old fashioned way was to put a large table right in the middle of thi the room nin tills was apt to make more work than it saved for the housewife hous elife had to wa walk k around it constan constantly y in petting getting meals lind and doing other tasks it always alwag seemed to he be laden with odds and ends about tile the if time 1 no it was wanted anted tor for III the e next meal A much better plan when a large laige kitchen does double duty Is to group the dining table and chairs at one side of the room and li bring anc the abe work centers close to gether on oil the other sides placing tile the dining table to one side does docs away to some soine extent with the temptation to use it as I 1 an it extra kitchen table the bureau of home economics of tile united states department of agriculture lias has made a study of convenience in the kitchen itchen h noil emphasized tile need of grouping work centers to loute ro ito the tasks in logical log order older preparation of raw foods cooking serving gild and clearing away and dishwashing are the four activities that follow each other every day and several times a day in III most kitchens compact cen teis for these jobs should therefore follow the smile same order older around the room from left to right for tile right hand liand ell cd worker tile hie centers for serving and clearing away and dishwashing should be the dining room and close together in tills case they will bo nearest tile the dining dillu center A of the sink on oil one side of the picture shows that tills this plan has been met 1 in I a sith sills factory way in the ilia farm kitchen that was photograph ea the large closet Is near both the sink and the table for putting dishes away or for setting tile me table |