Show m H H I 1 I 1 buttons play an important part by CHERIE NICHOLAS T stitt tt itt t 1 i 0 r S v 01 V 0 0 I 1 1 I louta looks us as 1 if dame fashion had cornered the button market th this I 1 8 seni the importance ol of buttons a as they either fasten or trim the new bif ill blouses ouse s frocks and coats coat cannot bo be overstated cr t a t d what counts most in tills game of button button which designers are playing play liag with so much enthusiasm tills this season is to so position them that they will lie be as decorative as thy they are useful prom from the various suggestions in the picture one may get an idea of both the effectiveness and the versatility of 0 button treatments us as they enhance the new modes particular attention Is called to tile tho coat where the buttons aro are placed below the waistline on the dress the buttons at the neckline have gone diagonal as has the movement of tho the stripes which pattern the material the skirt Is one of the new buttoned types which Is so popular at present tile the first wee sketch in the allu illustration stra goes to show that even a single button if placed at tho the very most strategic point can be highly ornamental notice in the next it little t tle picture that b buttons are ranged oi on a plaid waistcoat the vogue for waistcoats or mannish vests with either single or double breasted buttoning Is emphasized in connection with the tailored suit which Is so smart for spring crystal buttons arranged on either print silks or summery cottons in connection with scallops ps as shown in the tha third sketch at the top of this group mako make a very effective trimming below considering the sketches from left to right the first suggests nn interesting te placement of buttons on both skirt and bodice the white triangular rever producing a striking contrast th the same idea of buttons on both skirt and the blouse or vestee Is pleasingly varied in the center miniature drawing again in the concluding sketch buttons are made a pleasing trimming feature in connection with scallops among the lessons taught by this group of suggestions two are outstanding the placement of buttons on the tha diagonal g 0 nal and the use of buttons bete below w the waistline as they button the coat or the skirt skir t A g 1031 beatr N union |