Show dr pierces Pier coB pleasant pellets are re the original little liver pills ills put up 60 years ago they regulate f liver iver and bowels adv aw children need not steal your health there should be b no health penalty attached to motherhood there among really healthy women expectant mother who think of the tb babas health as ai well ei an their own should hould take a good vegetable tonic to protect the two lives dr pierces favorite I 1 prescription all dealers dealer every package of it contains a symptom blank fill it out and mail it to dr df pierces clinic buffalo NY N Y for FREE medical advice PARKERS RS HAIR BALSAM AM a V 4 me a lart color I 1 2 mci and Z VS a beauty auty uty to lo ersy sod and d fda faded aln W aft sad 4 ft AW ra chem wt FLO R aukers hair the hair bair soft nott md and fluffy CO 60 cents by mail TO ail oraid fists gut hiscox chemical works Patch eue osue WT ax salt lake cites faesi hotel it 01 H OT E L TEMPLE rooms boonis tile baths radio connection in every room RATES FROM awl I 1 le eri ERNEST NEST C R ROSSITER sigr W N U salt lake lahe city no 13 18 1931 aid 0 COMFORT for fretful upset children M rand A LL children are subject to little ll 11 V upsets they come at unexpected i times they seem twice as t serious serious in the dead of night B but ut theres one form of comfort on 0 a 0 which a mother can always re delyi lyl good old castoria this pure vegetable preparation r aarion cant I 1 harm harm the tiniest infant nt yet mild as it is it r soothes a restless fretful baby like for sale by all druggists be sure nothing else its quick relief soon to get the genuine product with sees the youngster comfortable once chas H Flet fletcherr fletchers chers sg signature nature on more imore back to sleep even an attack wrapper and this familiar nameplate of colic or diarrhea yields to the soothing influence of castoria keep castoria in mind and keep a bottle in the house alwa always ys give it to any child whose tongue is is coated or whose breath is bad continue with castoria until the child is grown I 1 laws law count leading question cop say there move on you I 1 tell you no one cant stop here 11 motorist 1 11 I cant can fool my wife ph eh say of officer licer you ou dont know this then how bow did you car get her ill ill ill hill ill nu or alio llio a ING toilet rr ailt A 0 and nursery it is cooling and it h 3 soothing eo otVis two s and delicately medicated g f Tal lentia is ideal for every err member 5 of the family for daly dalt after tile the ba catli th K I 1 for mother as a flais hing touch to her aali toilet and for rather a shaving 3 a 2 alic 3 KS K S hall cream pm D drag 8 ft S ell malben AT filae S try th lh new gitti r bahig feli cr creni ia |