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Show CLUB AND PARTY MUTES MRS. THEROL McARTHUR The M B W Club met at the j home of Mrs. Darv. in Nelson Friday Fri-day afternoon to hear and enjoy en-joy the story and musical records played of the Utah Pioneer Story, "All Faces West," that was presented pre-sented in Ogden last summer as part of the Pioneer Day celebration. celebra-tion. Those in attendance at this nice party were Mrs. Mel Arns, Mrs. Preston Wood, Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mrs. King Stevenson, Mrs. Mel Ence, Mrs. Milo Corry, Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs. Ellas Leigh, Mrs. Hyrum Parry, Mrs. Rex Perry Per-ry and Mrs. Mack Naegle. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Paulson and family spent the week end in Salt Lake City visiting with Mr. Paulson's parents. Wednesday evening Mrs. Elsie Seegmiller was hostess to the members .of her,, bridge clyb at her home. Tasty refreshments were served at the close of the evening and high score awards went to Mrs. Verlyn Wood, Mrs. Lenore Lee, Mrs. Grace Leigh, and Mrs. Bertha Jones. Special guests were Mrs. Mary Heyborne and Mrs. Grace Leigh. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harris entertained en-tertained at a birthday luncheon at their home Saturday night In honor of the birthday anniversaries anniversar-ies of Mrs. Rachel Thorley and Mrs. Anne Perkins. Parlor games were enjoyed by Mr., and Mrs. Willard Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanzon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hen-ry Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Del Carpenter, Car-penter, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fife. Mr. and Mr?. Mort Thorley and Mr. and Mrs. Naze Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Leavitt were hosts to the members of their dinner club .it their lovely home Saturday niht following the Cedar-Dixie basketball game, which the guests attended. A full course dinner was served followed by games of ennasti and scrabble. Present wore Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hafen. Mr. and Mrs. Haymer Morris,- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Felt, Mr. and Mrs. Ftancis Betenson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petty and Mr. and Mrs. McRay Cloward. Mrs. Bud Ch.imberlain entertained enter-tained the members of her club Thursday night at her home. The evening was spent In sewing and visiting and singing "Happy Birthday" to Mrs. Donna Wood, who was presented with a gift from the group. A delicious plate luncheon was served, and door prizes were awarded Mrs. Miles Waters. Mrs. Jack Thuet and Mrs. Keith Crlpps. Mrs. Virginia Randall was hostess at a birthday party at her home Friday morning in honor of Mr. Helen Mathews. A tasty brunch was served, and a lovely gift was presented Mrs. Mathews by Mrs. Grace Heap, Mrs. Betty Randall, Mrs. Dorothy Urle, Mrs. Dorothy Thuet, Mrs. Harriet Burgess, Mrs. Elva Yer-gensen Yer-gensen and Mrs. Virginia Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Biaine Standifird were hosts to their club at their home Saturday ninht at a lovely New Year's dinrei. Following dinner, bridge was enjoyed by the following members: Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Paulson. Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacDonald, Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. James Amen J and special guests Mr. and Mrs. Frr.ncis Betenson. Mrs. Conway Parry entertained entertain-ed the members of her bridge cuub Monday evening at her home. Three specal guests were Mrs. Keith Norris, Mrs. Winston Seegmiller and Mrs. Robert Heyborne. Hey-borne. Following the evening of cards a dessert was served to the guests and prizes were awarded Mrs. Richard Leigh, Mrs. Reed Leigh and Mrs. Browning Piatt. Mrs. Bruce Osborne was hostess host-ess to the members of her club at her home Tuesday evening. Special guest was Mrs. Victor Frye.-"500" wns. played, with prizes taken home by Mrs. Roy Batty and Mrs. Paul Wood. Others Oth-ers present were Mrs. Clark Mathews, Mrs. Richard Gillies, Mrs. Linford Orton, Mrs. George Woodard, Mrs. Gordon Sorenson, Mrs. Carlyle Mitchell, Mrs. Paul Wood, Mrs. P.obert Goodwin and Mrs. Douglas Nelson. |