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Show Schedule Announced For One-day Livestock Aid Course "First Aid to Livestock," is the title of a one 'lay short course to be held at the College of Southern Utah on Thursday, Jan. 27, in the Bootstrap Theatre. This short course is being sponsored jointly by the U S A C Extension Exten-sion Service and the C S U and begins at 10 a. m., according to Wallace D. Sjoblom, county agricultural agri-cultural agent. This short course is being held as a result of the requests of the farmers and livestock live-stock men for assistance with livestock problems. The program has been arranged as follows: FORENOON SESSION . 10: Prnhlems In control of Bru cellosis, Dr. Don W. Thomas, U S A C. 10:30: Feeding and management' manage-ment' of Livestock, Prof. George Henderson, U S A C. 11:45: Breeding Problems in Cattle and Sheep, Dr. Wendell Brooksby, U S A C. 12 noon: Adjourn to lunch. AFTERNOON SESSION , 2:00: Internal Parasites in Livestock, Dr. Don W. Thomas. 2:30: External Parasites in Livestock, Dr. Wedell Broosky. 3:00: Miscellaneous Livestock Diseases and Problems Panel Thomas, Henderson, Brooksby, Wallace Sjoblom, moderator. It is hoped that the people of the area will plan to attend this valuable short course in as much as the well being of the livestock live-stock industry directly or indirectly indi-rectly affects almost every 'one In the county. |