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Show jjiomli win sensational gll Pi!t& Peak climb! - "S-s..- v, , V . O . - ' J" -i -;" . t 2 . .:: ,fi-v . Standard Dodge ft-ton pick-up truck with sensational new 145-hp. Power-Dome V-8 """-'J envlna conquers world's most ried driving conditions In unprecedented time for trucks Idtfefiwof ' ' ' pr00' that yoU Ket Mtra power and dePetuJabillty ! See us now for a demonstration ! the Wheel With... moduci or O5 ch.ysim coip. LUtJT r.lOTOR COMPANY 39 South Main Vhon&TI tongas aaaa FIVE 1950 CHEVROLETS Your choice of five 1950 Chevrolet Trade-ins, all guaranteed in writing writ-ing and priced from $595 1954 FORD 4-DR. CUSTOMLINE This beautiful light green sedan is equipped with gas-saving overdrive, over-drive, heater and radio, W-S-W tires, tinted glass. A one owner new car trade-in $1795 MORE VALUES 1949 Chevrolet 4 door $625 1949 Ford 4-door $550 I 1949 Plymouth 2-door $525 j 1940 Olds 4-door (As Is) $35 i ' COMPARE 4!7tfjEk THENC0MPARE I I THE CAR Ul$Z7 THEPRICE BRADSI1AW CHEVROLET COMPANY I 360 North Main Street Phono 680 1 YOU'LL HE SlilPIISSEI! Check the NEW URff PRICES of jrn BOTTLED IN BOND I I fflATERFUI f 1 1 Mim 111 KENTUCKY BOURBON Every drop of WATERFILl and FRAZIER y-&J i wos"DISTULED AND BOTTLED BY" SH'rSr11 j Waterf ill and Frozitr Distillery Co. Bordstown, Kentucky |