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Show WIFE REIATES RER TROUBLES II TRE DISTRICT COURT In the district court this afternoon j Mrs Burton, plaintiff the divorce . case of Mallndn Burton against J V. Burton, told the story of the estrange Went between herself and husband, rlter having lived together since is - said that she married Mr. Hur I ton In Salt Lake, but that thev had liv'"1 at Kaysvllle most of tho time Js-mce thr- marriage. .Mrs. Burton told Of her husband starting out as a Pbeepherder and she aiding him. both at home and In the sheep camp, in making a living for their growing family There had been no dlffer- net I between them, she said, until bOUi 6 years ago. when he paid at-t at-t atlona to another woman Thi nifrerence was finally settled, she said, and things went Smoothly again until about a year ago Alien she was advised that he was paing hla attentions at-tentions to a Miss Crirnm. sometlmps known as Mrs Wood Sh- madt qulriea and became convinced that P5rt of the stones told were true. Mrs. Burton said that she was introduced in-troduced to the woman bv Mr Burton and that he entertained "Miss Grimm at theatres in her presence ahd that he also bought clothing for her When she upbraided him for hla attentions to the woman he became angrv and sfld bp would not live under the ?ame roof with her. She stated that he ued bad languace and cursed and rwore at her |