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Show HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If our skin la yellow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub- Dr Edwards after 17 years of study with hlg patients Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink skin, brieht eyes, no pimples, a feeling ol buoyancy like childhood days, you must get at the cause Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act dn the liver and bowelB like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome constipation. That s why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. Advertisement. 00 WIRELESS STATION ORDERED REMOVED Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 8, via Loudon, Lou-don, 5 20 p. m. The minister of foreign for-eign affairs today ordered the removal re-moval of the high power wireless station sta-tion at Cartagena. Caxtaea is a Colombian seaport in the department of Bolivar, on n small. BRDdj peninsula connected with the continent by an artificial neck of land. The operation of a wireless st:i t:on there has been the subject of energetic protests by Hie British government, gov-ernment, which contended that the plant was being operated by Germans for the transmission of news to German Ger-man warships. It was announced in London on November 25 that Great Britain and France had appealed to the good of-flcea of-flcea of the United States to induce Colombia to observe more strictly the requirements of neutrality The undersecretary un-dersecretary of the colonial department, depart-ment, Charles Roberts, stated that unless this was brought about the allies might be compelled to take further fur-ther steps for the protection of their interests The United States government govern-ment responded that it was willing that England should deal directly with Colombia concerning alleged vlo-lntions vlo-lntions of neutrality, but, so far as has been announced no further steps were taken by the British government. |