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Show ORDINANCE. An Ordinance Creating Paving District Dis-trict No. 112, and Levying and Assessing As-sessing a Special and Local Tax on the Property Abutting Thereon to Defray the Costs and Expenses of Paving With Asphalt Therein. BE TT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah: Rection 1 That all that part of Twenty-fifth street from tho west side of Washington avonuo to the west llde of Wall avenue, and Wall av, nu from the north side of Twentv-fifth Twentv-fifth street to the south side of Twenty-fourth street, be and hereby Is created a paving district, and is named "Paving District No. 112." Section 2. A special and local tax is hereby levied and assessed upon the blocks, lots and parts of lots and blocks, lands and real state bounding, amitliuc and adjacent to the said Pavinu District No 112. for a distance of 45$3 00 lineal feet. This tax Is levied and assessed to defra the costs and expenses of grading, grad-ing, regutterlng and repavlng with two and one half inches of asphalt on a six-inch concrete foundation, opposite all the property hereinafter described to be especially benefited and affected I bv such improvements, and it is herc-bv herc-bv ADJUDGED, DETERMINED and EST. PUSHED that tho same will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed according to the lineal lin-eal front feet abutting upon Raid portions por-tions of said streets to a depth of fifty feet back therefrom. Section 3. And the tax hereby levied lev-ied and assessed upon said parcels of land is $27140. M, being $5.9 23371 per, lineal front feet, which Is the total H cost of said Improvements, and Is lev- I led and assessed in accordance with I 'li. provisions of this ordinance for I '. the purpof s herein mentioned on H parts of lots 1 and 2, block 26 plat I I A lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and !, block 24. I I plat "A": lots fi and 7. block 19, plat I I "A"; lots 1 and t, block 23, plat "A"; lot! 6 7. 8 9 and 10, bk.ck 20, plat "A' ; also parts of lots 2. 3. 4, 5 and ' t 6. block 23. plat "A"; lot 3, block 2. I I Ogden Five Acre Plat "A ', all in Og- I den City Survey, I Section 4. Said tax shall become r-.' due, payable and delinquent in ten 1 1 ' (10) Installments, as follows: One- H tenth shall become delinquent ln fifty "J days after the date of this tax levy, I I one-tenth ln one year, one-tenth In two years, one tenth in three years, one-tenth In four years, one-tenth In fire jears, one-tenth in six years, one.- j . tenth In seven years, one-tenth In I I eight yeara. and one-tenth in nine fv' years after Bald date of levy. Each BB and every Installment of said tax, ex- Q cept the first, shall bear Interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum an-num from the date of levy and all In- j Itallmentfl shall bear interest at tho rate of eight (8) per cent per an-num an-num from the date of delinquency until un-til paid Sect inn 5. This ordinance Bhall take effect upon Its passage, approval and publication Adopted and pass' 1 by the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City, Utah. December 9. 1914 (Signed) 1LORENCE O. STANFORD. City Recorder. (Signed) CHRIS FLYGARE, n , i Acting Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. STATE OF I'TAH, ss. fount y of Weber I. FLORENCE O. STANFORD, City Recorder of Ogden Clt;. T'tah, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance Cre- , ating Paving District No 112. and j Levying and Assessing a Special and Local Tax on the Property buttin Thereon to Defray the Costs and Ex- I penses of Paving With Asphalt Therein. Adopted and passed by the Board 1 of Commissioners of said Ogden City on the Mh day of December. 1914, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate sal of Ogdm City this 9th dav of December, 1914 ( SEAL.) FLORENCE O STANFORD. City Recorder. Published December 9. 1914, |