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Show TELEPHONE DIRECTORY New Book on Press. A new Telephone Directory is now being prepared for Ogden. Over 6000 names will appear in the new list which will be consulted every day by thousands of people. Your name should be In the book for your own tood. Copy closeB December De-cember 10, 1914 Telephone or call on our manager. THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE TELE-PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Advertisement. For Utmost Coal Value, H Demand "Aberdeen" H When you "plunk" down fj your hard-earned dollars for coal, Fwi you want good coal in exchange for them. fcS You want the utmost coal value obtainable. You want a Wii coal that will produce a haping measure of heat. You can get it if - ?l yvn know wfcat kind of rool o call for. Ak for "AbeMrcn" t'.-e OB rr II -iijS cut fovl. It makes a hot, lonr burning fir. Soma 10U)OO ronnamrra, I S -i tr-rr all o vrr the vrr-ut, burn "AbcTdewn." Each U a booater. It'a H to roar a4Tjta to try ihia coJ at mco. Suppose xt)U order a . ",'.r,,. from jour raralax denier today. Brown Carlson Treseder Clothiers and Furniahers 2421 Wash. Ave. You Must Bo Suited Here. Advertisement Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ada. YCU SHOULD NOT EXPECT YOUR grocerymon nor butcher to extend credit to you unless you could show that your previous record warranted warrant-ed it apply this to your ! nances. Deposit regu arly, eltner check- I Ing cr savings account, in the well managed and substantial UTAH NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN Four per cent on j Savings Accounts. 1 . J ! jooo .?5" -" fnSsW" 1 V Delia Gibson and J. S. Spencer. j Af. frveHntr more than 8,000 miles to meet for the first time Miss j BKo ESS athefpicturS, and returned to his home. He got ac-Jfnted ac-Jfnted with W throu mitflmnWtri bureau, ( iL?i s&mMI 11! fM: iraSL9! &-&4 rTKwK |