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Show I.XKLl.VCS. I'arlur magazines Kerosene lamps. WtxJ gathering Fights between I egrix- , Nhat k.'y in the hardest to ttaoe? i )ouli-y. Jjivt-rpoul has B female vigilance ommittee. 1 bo? heat dcutiL:. Thoy insert latural teutli. How to tmke a slow horse fast i lou't feed him. J When w a lawyer the strongest? iVhen he is lee-Lles.-cd. It' a woman were to ehaoe her sax, he would be a heajthen. A too of straw makes eight hundred md lifty pounds of paper. lieecher has collected from his jhurch $.7Ti,UA in eighteen years. In 'ienna it is forbidden to publish Lualrimonial advertisements in newspapers. news-papers. Thomas IJueey, of liowell. III., is a lather at the age of ninety-three. The Dueey i! On some countenauees is written a hUtory, on others merely a date. j J. f. Richter. A younK man who keeps a collection of locks of hair of his lady friends, calls them his hair-breadtli escapes. The head bar keeper of the Hoffman House a:iys Stokes had been drinking heavily lor ten days before his crime. "Why, Tom, my dear fellow, how old you look?" "Daresay, Bob, for the fact is L never was so old before in my life." The Norwich BnlUtin thinks that tho chief advantage of roasting chestnuts chest-nuts is the rich and gamey flavor it gives the worm. The New York city horse-cars are so filthy that the health officer has been compelled to ofhciaily order the companies com-panies to cleanse them. Savannah, (Ga.), rejoices over the arrival of the pioneer steamer of a new line between that city and Liverpool, established by an Knglish company. 3 Mark Twain promises to give every consumptive who is not cured by camp life at lake Taboe "a funeral which will be a comfort to them as long as they live." A custom house officer at Port Huron Hu-ron seized an exceedingly full chested man the other day, but after fourteen yards offlmuel were unwrapped from his body he looked quite emaciated. Charlotte Cushman gets $1,000 for an evening's readings in Chicago, and they offered Henry Ward Beecher $2,-000 $2,-000 for a lecture. They've lately been burned out, over in Chicago, or they would have paid more. The "Box and Cos" arrangement is quite common in London. Certain classes attending the theatres ever night ballet dancers, supes and the mob which is attached to a pantomime let their beds to market people, wh( are just ready to get up and go to worl when the theatrical folks come home "Whatever is highest and holiest i. tinged with melancholy. The eye o genius has always a plaintive csprcs sion, and its natural language is pathos A prophet is sadder than other men and he who was greater than al prophets was 'a man of sorrow am acquainted with grief.' " Fudge! |