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Show The Trains. The following tele-i grams give the latest intelligence con- '; corning tho whereabouts of trains and condition of tho TJ. P. R. It.: ! By Hcscret line Ugden, 2, fi p.m. 1 Reports from Miser this afternoon;' say tbo weather has cleared off, and it;1 is now very fine. Trains will arrive ! . there this evening. By special arrange- i moot the C. P. company have furnish-; ed the U. P. with a full train of bag-1 gage and express "cars, coaches and. sleeping cars, which will leavo Ibr the east about 9 o'clock to-night. It waits for the arrival of passengers from Salt Lake on the mixed train. The Central Pacific and Utah Central leave on, tlmo.' 1 1 By Western Union line Corlnnc, L 2. Tho situation of of the U. P. re- -J mains unchanged. A telegram from I , Rawlins says that the road is bloekad-1 , cd west of that place and that it ex-! tends from half way between Rawlins ;i and Separation to about six miles west j of Creston. F'or 'about twenty i miles the road is said to bo in a terrible condition. An engine from tho J west reports the blockade worso than ; at any time before. No trains can get through "from tho west ibr tho npt,i twenty-four hours. The railroad pco-1 1 plo arc very reticent and very littic can bo learned of the condition of the 1 trains between Medicine Bow and,! Laramie. Ho trains, however, had been ijhlo, sn lar, to got through the : blockade The boow is driving badly. j As these reports aro conflicting tho j public will have to decide for them-1 selves which to accept as correct. J |